Man blogging on his laptop
Blogging Tips Start A Blog

Business Blogging? Here’s Why You Need To!

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Thinking of starting a blog for your business?

Business blogs have grown in popularity over the last couple of years, since bloggers seem to have more influence over consumers purchasing decisions, it is not surprising that companies have adopted the idea of blogging into their weekly and monthly tasks to ensure that they are getting customers to their websites.

Think about it, a separate page on your business website that completely covers topics related to your business in a more in-depth way that makes it much easier for potential customers to trust you more, understand your brand and even see you as an authority in the industry.

Which in turn, helps to increase sales, subscribers to your company newsletter and so much more,

If you want to implement all these fantastic benefits of having a blog on your business website, stay tuned as we will dive deep into the world of business blogging and uncover every juicy tip to get you started on your business blog.

What is Business Blogging?

Business blogging simply refers to the act of publishing blog posts on your company’s business website under a subcategory called blog, these posts are related to your business industry and generally help to provide users with useful information regarding products and services in your business or industry.

The made idea behind creating a business blog is to position yourself as an authority in your niche and promote your website by ranking for keywords or search phrases that are related to your industry or to your business.

Business blogging is vital to small and large-scale businesses that want to target a specific consumer profile or even reach a particular demographic, it also helps Google and other search engines trust your business even more and rank it higher in the search results for search phrases related to your business or the industry you are in.

What does a business blog do?

A business blog is a marketing tool that helps you reach more potential customers by creating more online visibility for your website and the different products and services offered by your company by making users familiar with your brand name and culture.

It helps you bring in more potential customers who might be interested in purchasing a product or service from you in the future by getting them to sign up for your newsletter and receive weekly tips and tricks related to services your company or business offers.

What should a business blog be about?

There are 4 main types of business blogs that you can choose to create for your business, they are:

1. CEO Blog

This type of blog is usually created and regularly updated by the CEO of a company, on this blog, the CEO can share tips, tricks, and helpful information regarding his or her day to day b business and running an organization on an executive level, this type of blog is great if the CEO has time for blogging regularly, which is rarely the case, however, if he does have the time, this is a really good way of building personal credibility and authority in their industry.

2. General Company Blogs

General company blogs are blogs that are designed to be regularly updated by multiple authors in a company, they can use this medium to share their brand values, unique points of view, and even tips and tricks that other colleagues or departments are not aware of, the really great thing about this kind of blog is that the content is always fresh and unique as it is being written from different people regularly.

3. Specific Department Blog

This type of blog is usually run by a specific team or department in a company, this is usually because, a specific team might have a lot more things to share on the blog compared to other departments in the same company, for example, the sales and marketing team of a Marketing agency might have a lot more content to share than the Human Resources department of the same company, in this way, it makes sense to have a specific blog dedicated to sales and marketing tips updated by that specific department regularly.

4. Product and Service Blogs

This is the most popular type of blog out there for businesses, the reason is that this particular type of blog is dedicated specifically to promoting a company’s products and services, content published regularly may include product creation videos, product reviews, comparison blog posts of two or more products, free resource videos or even tips and tricks on how to use a particular product or service for the best results.

Should you hire a blogger for your business if you don’t have time to blog?

Blogging requires dedication and time and as there are a lot of areas to be covered for a blog to work successfully, it is crucial to build up a team of people who can properly execute daily blogging tasks to ensure your blog’s success, tasks like creating social media content for your business blog, coming up with new content ideas, and creating content that your target demographic or potential customers are searching for are all skills that require the time and attention of a dedicated team.

These tasks are essential to make sure that your business or brand is being represented in the right way through your blog posts and that you are reaching the right people who can be converted into paying customers in the future.

Should you create a blog for your business?

Creating a blog for your business is a really great idea as it helps you reach more people organically without spending as much money on Ads or other marketing strategies as you would normally do, the traffic generated by following good blogging practices lasts longer and brings in more visitors as your blog ages, automatically positioning you as an authority in your industry.

Even though blogging is a really good idea for most businesses, this marketing channel may not work for all business types and is simply best for bloggers who have a specific target audience with a specific interest that your business provides solutions to.

Before starting a blog, you want to make sure that your business is one that people will sign up for your newsletter and will gladly click through to read your new blog post whenever you upload.

How do I start a business blog?

If you already have a business website, then it is so easy to get started, all you have to do is to create a new category in your main site menu called “blog”.

You can then create and publish blog posts in your niche or industry on a regular and consistent basis to make sure that you are answering questions that your reader and potential customers need answers to.

If you are creating a blog for your business from scratch, then you can check out my step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog and start putting out content consistently.

What is the benefit of a business blog?

1. Increase Traffic to your Website

Business blogs help you generate traffic to your website by ranking for multiple keywords that your target demographic is currently searching for or answering questions that they need answers to.

This way you get more eyes on your content as well as other products, devices, customer reviews, etc.

2. Generate More leads for Your Business

The biggest benefit of blogging is that it helps you get more leads for your business by reaching potential customers who are interested in what you have to say and the experience you have in that specific industry, for example, if you were in the digital marketing business and you publish blog posts regularly on different digital marketing tips and tricks, you make it easier for people interested in digital marketing to find your content and trust you enough to sign up for your newsletter and keep coming back to your website.

This way, when you have a digital marketing product to sell or promote, you can promote this product to your email list of potential customers who are already interested in your content and also believe in your product since they already trust you and see you as an authority in the digital marketing space.

3. Build Authority in Your Niche or Industry

The really great thing about blogging is that just like with any other thing, creating helpful content consistently and on a regular basis, makes it easier for people interested in your industry to find you through your blog posts since much of the content you will produce will directly answer a question that they have or solve a problem in the industry that they can’t seem to find a solution to.

By constantly appearing in their notifications and sending helpful email campaigns to your email list, you make your brand and your message trustworthy and memorable enough to be remembered whenever they have a question in that particular industry.

Asides from being seen as an authority by your readers, other companies in your industry and search engines can also see that you are knowledgeable in the industry that you are blogging about and can establish you as an authority if you maintain good SEO practices that make it easier for Google to find and rank your business.

4. Build Trust Among Your Consumers

Instead of just coming out and blogs specifically telling people to buy your product and spending millions of money running expensive ads that people don’t even look at or find a way to block from their browsers, blogging can be a really effective marketing tool that makes it easier for people serving for content in your industry to find you organically and trust you more since not all your blog posts are designed to sell a product you created.

You just need to focus on creating really helpful content and answering questions that people in your industry need answers to and your business will build up enough trust of your target customers.

5. Build Traffic in the Long Term

Creating a blog as a category on your business website helps you build up website traffic in the long run, the more helpful content you write and publish on your website, the more keywords and search phrases your domain name has an opportunity to rank for in the search results.

This helps your website get found by readers who are looking for answers to their problems or tips that your blog provides, with the correct interlinking method and inbuilt sales funnels, you can have these visitors find your products and services that you offer as well in that industry.

How to start blogging for your business

If you already have a website for your business, the best way to start a blog for your business is to create a subcategory on the same domain name for your blog instead of creating an entirely new domain for your business blog.

The reason is that search engines will treat the new domain as a separate domain from your business instead of as one and it makes it a lot harder for customers to link your business with your blog or grow your authority in that niche since the two domain names aren’t linked.

A sud-category blog on your domain name should look something like this “https://mybusinessname/blog“, this way every blog post you write and any keywords you end up ranking for ultimately builds up your domain authority for your domain and not just your blog’s domain.

If you don’t have a website yet for your business or don’t want one and just want to create a blog, feel free to check out my post on how to start a WordPress blog for an easy step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog from scratch.


If you are thinking of starting s blog for your business, you are off to a really great start!.

Using your blog as an effective marketing and lead generation tool can take some time to accomplish in comparison to running Ads on Google or social media but it is definitely worth it as the return on investment is organic and long-term compared to other marketing or sales techniques.

Most importantly, the subscribers you acquire to your email list are not just interested in the industry but in your specific brand, products, and services.

So what are you waiting for, get out there and create a blog for your business right now, it is totally worth it!

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