Want To Write For Us?

We are accepting guest posts!, please read the guidelines to proceed!

Woman On Laptop Guest Post For us

Guest Posting can be a really great way to grow your blog, did you know that five out of 6 successful 6 figure bloggers attribute 80% of their blog success to guest posting?

It gets your voice heard and your content seen to thousands of viewers on already established blogs thereby tripling your blog growth in the process

Are you interested in writing a guest post for 6 figure blogger?

Guess what?, 6 Figure Blogger is now accepting guest post pitches!

Your content is welcome, as long as it fits into the niche of 6 figure blogger.com

Before you get started on wringing and submitting your guest post, here are a few things you should note…

Guest Post

Things To Note Before You Submit Your Guest Post

Guest Posts Are Not Paid

Please note that you will not be paid for writing a guest post on 6 Figure Blogger, Guest posting serves as a way to improve your website readership and get your content out there, it is not a paid job.

We Will Only Respond If Interested

Due to the high number of requests being submitted for guest posting, please note that we will only respond to your guest post pitch if your content meets our required quality and writing standard and is accepted

We Only Accept 100% Original Content

6 Figure Blogger only accepts articles that are 100% unique and that haven’t been published somewhere else, to help you create and submit a 100% unique article, you can pass your written content through plagiarism checkers such as Copyscape to ensure that it unique.

We do not accept :

  1. Articles that have previously been published somewhere else.
  2. An article whose original copyright does not belong to you.
  3. An article that was published anywhere else on the web but was later unpublished.
  4. Articles that have been “spun” (articles belonging to someone else that you have changed or altered to look and sound different) 

Your Content Must Be Helpful, Not Self Promotional

Your content must answer the why, who, and how questions…

  • Why are you writing this content?
  • For whom is this topic targeted?
  • How will this particular content help the reader?

Writing Tips For You!

  • Do not write a block of text, break them down into paragraphs that make them much easier to read.
  • Use proper headings, sub-headings, bullets, or list formats
  • Write in a fun, playful, and friendly but professional tone.
  • Simplify your writing, write as though you are talking to a kid or someone who has never heard about the topic on which you speak of.
  • Write a medium length but juicy and attention-grabbing introduction
  • Our ideal article length is 1500 words, you are required to write a detailed high quality article on your chosen topic.

Make Your Content Interesting!

Blogging doesn’t have to be boring!, spice up your content, get creative with it, write in such a way that your readers can’t stop reading, add photos, infographics, statistical data etc to your content to make it easier to understand and more interesting to read

Things We Do Not Allow In A Guest Post

Promotional Links

Links going to self promotional pages on your blog such as your shop, product description pages, newsletter signups, landing pages or sales funnels within your content are not allowed.

Home Page Links

Links going to the homepage of your website or blog are not allowed, you must link directly to the related content of your choice on your blog or websites with a higher amount of informational content on the topic to which you are writing about.

Un-related Blog Links

Linking to content outside of the topic or niche on which you are writing about or on forums and pages on untrusted websites or websites with a high spam score is strictly not allowed and such links will be removed from your content if they are found if found.

Links To Ecommerce Pages

Linking to any online shopping store such as Amazon, ShareAsale, Cj Affiliate, Skim affiliates or any other source of affiliate links in your content are not allowed and will be removed immediately.

Embedded Images

Be sure to site the sources of any image added to your blog post, if you are the registered owner of an image, please put your name and attach the image with your content, otherwise, site the URL of the website you took the image from and then attach it with your blog post.

Links To Other Websites

linking to other websites from your article is allowed as long as you keep the following in mind.

  1. The website must be a website with a much higher authority of DA above 70 or higher.
  2. The article to which you link to cannot be one already written about on 6 Figure Blogger.
  3. The page you link to on the other website cannot be a promotional, sales or affiliate page.

Confident About Your Post? Fill out The Form!

Guest Post

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