Increase traffic to website
Increase Traffic

Increase Traffic To Website: 39 Easy Ways For Bloggers

In This Post, We Will Cover

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Trying to Increase traffic to a website or blog can be quite the task,

Especially if you are a new blogger starting out in your niche with zero readers and zero domain authority or rating.

Yet, for a blog to be successful,

you have to have a specific targeted audience in your niche who is willing to listen to you and believe what you have to say.

Building consistent traffic to your website can take quite some time and dedication to build but once it is done,

it can mean a loyal base of the interested audience, and a community around your blog niche or even monetization.

Today we will be looking at the top 39 ways anyone can build traffic to their website even if they are a beginner blogger just starting out in their niche.

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39 Ways To Increase Traffic To Website or Blog

1.      Advertise (Run Ads)

This is one of the biggest ways of acquiring blog traffic,

while this method might be cost-effective, especially for beginner bloggers,

It is a really great way to find your targeted audience base full of people who have the same interests as you and are willing to listen to what you have to say.

You can run Ad campaigns on Google, Pinterest, or even Facebook for as low as $10

These Ads can run across a number of days and target particular geographical areas or people who have common interests similar to that of your niche or blog.

All you have to do is create a page for your blog on any of the above-mentioned platforms and promote your blog posts or content on them and boost them for a specific fee for any number of periods you want.

2.      Become Active on Social Media

When starting a niche blog,

social media is your best friend,

you would be amazed at the number of people who have the same interests as you on social.

Regardless of your blog niche, you can still build a loyal fan base on Instagram, Facebook, or even Twitter,

To get started,

you want to create an account on any social media platform of your choice and start creating targeted content that is of high quality and resonates with your readers.

Be sure to leave helpful comments, like other people’s posts, and be as active as possible,

For the best results, be sure to focus on one or two social media platforms instead of 5 or 6 all at once.

Use these social media management tools to increase your social media conversions fast.

3.      Write Great Content People Won’t Forget

If your content isn’t good or valuable,

then it will be hard for people to like you or follow you.

You need to understand that there are over 600 million blogs on the internet and 20 to 30% of them might be blogging in the same niche as yours,

that is a lot of blogs in your niche.

You need to make sure that you are creating specific content to match the needs of your readers and are constantly creating posts that solve their problems every single day on a consistent basis.

This is the key to growing a great blog.

4.      Craft Click Worthy headlines

You can have really great content on your website, but if your content has a terrible or uninteresting headline or title,

then chances are no one will click through to your blog to find out how awesome your blog posts are.

Blog post headlines are what people use to decide if they will visit your blog or not,

using emotional words in your headline can increase your click-through rate by 60% and therefore increase traffic to your website.

Try to write titles with at least 6 to 8 words in them and solely represent what your article is about and isn’t clickbait.

To make things easier for you, you can use headline analyzers like Co-Schedule, or Fatjoe to help you develop great topic ideas for your focus keyword.

5.      Improve your On-Page SEO

SEO is simply a must when it comes to consistent traffic when done properly,

you could continue to reap the fruits of a good SEO foundation for years, this means a continued inflow of organic traffic from search engines.

I have gone into depth on SEO in my blog post, SEO for bloggers,

check it out to learn how to build Backlinks, optimize blog posts, and improve your website speed and performance to help you boost your Google rankings and increase website traffic to your blog.

You can also get this free SEO Cheatsheet for bloggers

It helps you understand what you are currently doing wrong or what you are not doing on your website which is killing your chances of ranking on the search engines.

6.      Target Long Tail Keywords

If you want to increase traffic to your website and get a significant amount of monthly visitors every month on your blog,

then you want to make sure that you are targeting long-tail keywords in your blog niche.

Long-tail keywords are keywords that are very specific in nature and usually have about 4+ words,

it is a lot longer than a seed keyword which has 2 to 3 words,

Seed keywords are usually a lot harder to rank for in the search results because most established bloggers with a Domain Rating higher than 70 would usually go for a shorter seed keyword,

leaving new beginner bloggers absolutely no chance of ranking for those short keywords.

The best way to combat this issue is to go for longer versions of a chosen seed keyword,

for example,

if you would like to target the keyword “Start A Blog”, then go for the longer version of that keyword like “How to start a blog for beginners”,

the latter is more specific and appeals to a more particular audience – beginners.

Long-tail keywords usually have fewer searches per month but have a pretty low difficulty score than the seed keywords,

making them a lot easier to rank for even if you are a beginner blogger.

To find long-tail keywords for your blog, you can use tools like Answer the Public, or even Google auto-suggest,

you can also pick out questions related to your seed keyword by looking at the people also ask a section of the search results,

other places to get long-tail keywords are forums like Quora, Reddit, or even Facebook groups in your niche.

7.      Write Guest Posts

This is by far one of the biggest and most popular ways that you can increase traffic to your website,

it is tried and tested by matters like Neil Patel and Brian Dean, to be the most effective method of traffic generation and link building.

A guest post is a blog post written for another blog besides yours,

these blogs are usually more established in your niche and have a larger audience than you have with lots of monthly engagements and consistent traffic on their website.

Why write for them?

Writing a guest post on other blogs brings you in front of their audience,

and if people like your post,

you can get more increased referral traffic from their website to yours full of readers who would like to hear what you have to say or are simply interested in your own writing style.

To find Guest post opportunities,

all you have to do is to go to google and type this “inurl: write for us (your blog niche)” to start seeing webpages of other established bloggers in your niche who are offering guest posting opportunities.

You will need to draft a killer guest post pitch email to send to that blog and if they approve you can go ahead with writing the blog post and sending it to them to upload on their website.

8.      Accept Guest Posts On Your Website

In addition to writing guest posts on other people’s websites, you want to make sure that as soon as you can,

you allow other people to write guest post pitches for your website as well,

the reason is that you want to grow your blog,

have more content and also have a diversified view on different topics relating to your niche.

Studies show that blogs that have more guest post writers have an increased rate of readers than blogs that have a single author or writer,

this is because different writers come with different views, different experiences, and knowledge levels,

so the more experiences and knowledge to share on a blog, the better.

All you have to do is to create a “write for us” or “guest post” page on your blog to get started,

other writers tend to go for bloggers who have a good number of blog traffic and domain rating when choosing guest post websites,

so make sure you are always working on new ways to increase traffic to your website and improve your authority at all times.

9.      Optimize your Content for Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is another really awesome way to increase traffic to your website or blog,

referral traffic is traffic that comes from another website or blog to your blog.

It could be as a result of a guest post you wrote or a comment you left or being mentioned as a resource or an authority in a specific field or niche,

referral traffic is great because it is a free way to increase traffic to your website that comes from another blog whose users want to know more about you and what you do.

They click on a link in your guest post or author bio that brings them to your website,

To increase your chances of getting referral traffic,

you want to make sure that you are actively writing guest posts on other blogs, leaving helpful comments on other blogs in your niche, or even offering free resources like templates, eBooks or infographics, etc. to get people to click through to your website.

Increase Traffic to website Cheat sheet

10.  Post Content On Linked-In

LinkedIn is a really great platform where bloggers can showcase their expertise or authority in a given niche or area of study,

Think of it as a professional version of Instagram,

it can be a really great tool to increase traffic to your website if you want it to be.

Since there are so many professionals on LinkedIn who are willing to share their opinions on different subject areas,

it can be the best source of traffic for bloggers looking to draw in readers or even grow their newsletter subscribers for free.

All you have to do is to sign up on LinkedIn and create a professional profile for your business and start posting consistently,

follow top professionals in your niche and leave really helpful comments on their posts,

and ask questions that give a gap for people to answer and you can even use your posts on your blog to answer questions asked by other users.

11.  Link your Content and Pages Internally

When it comes to SEO, some things are out of your control,

other things take time to do and can be extremely difficult to accomplish and you learn this as you progress and gain more SEO expertise and knowledge.

One of such things is link-building, you see, backlinks (incoming links from other websites to your blog) might be harder the achieve,

but one type of link you can control is internal links (links from one page on your website to another) and there are so many reasons why you need to focus on them.

Linking one page or blog post to another keeps the reader on your website for a lot longer,

allows them to check out so many other related blog posts, signup for your email list to get a freebie,

or maybe even make a purchase on your website,

Internal links also help Google to identify and crawl new pages on your websites since they are linked to already existing pages that have already been indexed by Google.

Whenever you write a new blog post on your website,

try to use varying keywords to link that new post to other related posts on your website and repeat the same for already existing blog posts by linking them to the new one.

12.  Interview Already Established Leaders In Your Niche

This is one secret way to increase traffic to your website that a lot of people don’t know about,

it can also be a great way to build a relationship with other bloggers in your niche, build backlinks and get in front of a larger audience.

By interviewing bloggers in your niche about specific topics,

you create an avenue where they can come together, share their opinions and compare their results,

answers to questions in roundup interview posts are usually sorted after when it comes to blogging,

this is because your readers what to know what their mentors currently know.

People you feature in your roundup blog post interviews can be sent a link to the original post once it is published to link to from their blog or even share on their social media channels, bringing you more exposure in the process.

13.  Optimize your Email Marketing Strategy

You will hear repeatedly on your blogging journey that your email list is probably the most important asset that you will own as a blogger aside from your website and there are a lot of reasons why this is so.

When people subscribe to your email list they are saying that they are interested in what you have to say and they would like to hear more from you,

they are usually the people who will keep coming back to your website to read your blog posts and are usually the first people to buy a product that you have to offer.

Because of this reason,

it is vital that you have a really solid email marketing strategy,

a good strategy will build a loyal community of readers around your blog and increase conversions,

that is why it is important to keep on creating freebies and helpful guides to encourage users to sign up.

This way you can even set up an RSS feed that notifies them of a new post on your website whenever you upload,
this helps to increase traffic to your website every time you have a new blog post.

14.  Make Sure Your Website Is Responsive

Your website responsiveness plays a major role in whether users will bounce right off your website as fast as they came or if they will actually stick around long enough to read your blog posts.

You need to make sure that all your website navigation and user experience is great for both mobile, tablet, and desktop as well,

sometimes a website can appear so perfect on desktop and look really bad on mobile and tablets,

and since the majority of internet users are on mobile these days,

you will be losing a majority of your traffic if your website isn’t optimized for mobile.

To get started optimizing your blog’s responsiveness, make sure that you are using a good theme,

you can find so many free WordPress themes out there and if you feel the need to go premium, you can too.

Also, try to optimize your images by reducing their size while preserving their quality,

and caching your website using a caching plugin like WP Rocket,

you should also try to register for a CDN service like Rocket CDN or Cloud Flare to make your site faster to load.

15.  Improve Your Website Speed

Did you know that page speed is a Google ranking factor? yes, it really is!

Google’s mission is to provide the best possible experience for a user using the search engine,

and so even if your content hits all the quality marks except Pagespeed,

your chances of being shown higher in the search results are cut by almost 50%!

No user wants to wait for more than 1 minute for a website to load,

they will immediately bounce right off your website if it takes longer than 3 minutes and it also cuts your conversions by a whopping 39%.

You need to make sure that you are doing all you can to optimize your blog’s speed, this can significantly increase traffic to your website,

Tools like Pingdom, Pagespeed Insights, and GT Metrix, help to point out all the issues you need to resolve on your blog in terms of speed and performance.

16.  Build A Community Around Your Blog

The best kind of audience to have for your blog is a community of people who share the same goals or dreams with you,

People you can exchange ideas with, talk to and advise as though they were your close friends.

You want to make sure that you are humanizing your content and your blog as soon as possible,

that people are able to attach a face and voice to the brand,

so much so that they can relate to you and they can trust you,

this is a community of loyal readers and it is the best type of audience to have.

Don’t just be the face behind the computer blogging,

go out there, send messages, reply to messages, talk to people, start conversations, leave comments, like other people’s posts too and show genuine interest in other people’s blogs and it will be reciprocated.

17.  Reply To Comments on Your Blog and Comment On Other People’s Blogs

So many people don’t know this but, did you know that No-follow links are also very important in SEO?

Most people only go after do-follow backlinks and that is understandable because it passes link juice,

but all your links can’t be do-follow, you need no-follow links too,

these types of links are gotten when someone cites you as a resource on their blog and adds a “rel=nofollow” attribute to the links while linking out to your website.

It tells google that no link juice should be transferred to this blog from mine, but it is still a backlink

you can get this type of link mostly through blog comments,

blog comments play a major role in getting referral traffic,

take comments as an opportunity to showcase your expertise on the topic being discussed by leaving a helpful tip,

this way other readers of that post will be curious enough to find out who you are by visiting your blog!

Who knows, they might even subscribe!

18.  Use Your Google Search Console and Google Analytics Data To Improve your Blog

Most beginner bloggers don’t understand why Google Analytics and Search Console are important,

The typical user would use it to count the number of page views they have had each month and that is pretty much it…

But they can be used for so much more, think of them as the two most important tools for every blogger,

they tell you if whatever content or marketing strategy you currently have on your blog is working out or if it is failing…

You can then use the data provided by these tools to make informed decisions for your blog,

for example, Google Search Console would tell you what pages are ranking and with what keywords,

this way you know what posts to optimize to rank higher in the search results and which ones are already ranking.

Be sure to check your analytical data at least every week to keep making informed decisions.

19.  Submit Your Content to Other Huge Forum Websites

Alas, it is impossible to reach your target audience just by being on your blog and posting regularly there,

you want to make sure that you are visiting other established websites in your niche that are already getting the type of traffic you seek and create or submit content for them.

This can include submitting infographics to infographic directories like Infographic Reviews, Slide Share, or Infographic Bee, documents or eBooks to document directories like E-Library, Free, or Get Free eBooks,

people can find your website from an infographic you uploaded and follow you if they link your content or find it valuable.

This helps to increase traffic to your website significantly.

20.  Include Multimedia Such as Videos and Infographic Images in Your Content

Gone are the days when people would just write a bunch of words on a page as a blog post and upload it and get immediate traffic to their blog,

Google has gotten smarter in its quest to satisfy search intent that they will suggest the best possible content as a result of a user’s search query.

It can be anything from videos to images or blog posts, which is why it is very important to add images, infographics, and videos to your posts,

this way even if your blog post doesn’t rank,

you might end up ranking for infographics, images or even videos for other variations of your focus keyword.

You can use tools like Venngage to create awesome infographics for your blog.

21.  Research your Competition and Improve Your Content

For every blog niche, you choose,

bear in mind that there are hundreds if not thousands of already existing blogs in that niche already,

bigger blogs that are already publishing awesome content on what you want to write about,

These people are your competition and you want to take your time to analyze their blogs and posts to know how to make your website unique,

tools like Ahrefs or Ubersuggest can give you a complete analysis of a competitor’s website and also point out content gaps that you can cover on your own blog.

If you have strong competitors,

chances are that their posts for different keywords are already ranking on Google’s first page,

even if you want to rank for the same keywords as they are, analyze their posts, define an angle,

get a longer variation of their focus keyword and create the best blog post for that keyword.

22.  Host Webinars On Different Topics

Another way to increase traffic is to host webinars on different topics in your niche,

A webinar is an online seminar event usually attended by your online audience.

You can use online spaces to ask questions, hold different polls, chat with your audience, send out surveys, test ideas and so much more,

visitors on webinars can also end up visiting your blog to learn more about you and maybe even sign up on your website if they like you and resonate with what you do.

23.  Attend A Conference

A conference in your blog niche is one of the best ways to make new friends,

build up a network, get new customers, exchange ideas, and even plan collaborations, case studies, and other content strategies.

There is usually a lot of knowledge to learn at a conference,

especially one being held by a mentor in your niche or a group of professionals and experts who already have the knowledge that you are trying to build.

You can find upcoming events and conferences in your niche by searching on Google in your local area or city.

24.  Do Proper Keyword Research


you could write blog posts on any and everything you wanted, upload them to your blog, and bam!,

you have yourself some organic traffic from Google, unfortunately, that is no longer the case.

SEO has evolved over the past few years and with the rapid growth of the blogging industry,

it has become even harder to rank for certain topics even when you are an expert in them.

This is where keyword research comes in,

it is the process of strategically researching and selecting phrases to optimize your blog content,

by taking into account, the words people are typing into the Google search bar,

how many times that keyword is being searched for and how difficult it is for you to rank depending on the level of your blog.

If you are a brand new blogger,

then it would be a lot easier for you to rank for keywords that have 4 to 5 words (long-tail keywords),

at least 500-1000 monthly searches, and a difficulty score of 25 and below to get the best results and increase traffic to your website from Google.

25.  Take Advantage Of Influencer Outreach

Outreach is a way to increase traffic to your website by reaching out to other established people or blogs in the same niche as you who might be willing to work together, and help each other grow.

This can include reaching out to more prominent websites and informing them of a post or infographic that they might find useful,

or reaching out to an influencer and making a deal with them to help promote your content or services.

It is always great to keep building your network in your niche.

26.  Submit A Press Release To Big News Websites

When you are an authority on a certain topic or niche,

people listen to you and are eager to hear what you have to say,

you can publish news or data in your niche that other people are looking for in your industry to the press.

Websites like Ein Presswire, PR Newswire, and are some examples of websites where you can publish a press release for your blog.

Publishing a press release gives you more exposure and helps you get in front of your target audience and is really great for websites looking to build up their blog traffic and authority.

27.  Exchange Backlinks

Backlinks are very important for your website or blog to grow,

little to no backlinks can result in little to no website traffic.

It is important to build Backlinks from high-quality websites to your blog every now and then to help boost your position in the search rankings.

Start by writing guest posts, leaving helpful comments, or even answering questions on forums with links to your blog posts to build up quality Backlinks over time.

28.  Upgrade Old Blog Posts and Relaunch Them

It is easy to write blog posts, publish them and just forget about them,

with the amount of new content being created daily,

it is important to upgrade your old blog posts from time to time.

Especially blog posts that are not evergreen and are made for a specific year,

you want to improve on the content to make sure it is updated for the current year and the information in them is still being used.

This way, your readers can appreciate that you are up to date with the latest details they need.

29.  Add “pin this” and “click to tweet” Links To Your Posts

Take advantage of people who are already visiting your blog,

try to get them to leave a comment, subscribe to your newsletter, or even share that blog post by adding call-to-action buttons in the posts.

Plugins like social warfare, add social share buttons to blog posts that attract the user’s attention and get them to share.

You can also add a “pin this” button to images to get your users to pin that image to Pinterest so they can visit your blog post again whenever they wish.

Another one I really love is the “click to tweet” functionality you can add to your WordPress blog posts to get your readers to share a tip or that particular post on Twitter

30.  Go On Podcasts

Another way to increase your following and grow your blog traffic simultaneously is to go on podcasts about topics in your niche held by other bloggers who are already established in that niche.

Look at it as a way to increase your presence,

and help your target audience answer questions in their niche,

you can openly discuss and share opinions with other bloggers in your niche on a live podcast or interview.

Increase Traffic to website Cheat sheet

31.  Host Giveaways or Contests

You can host giveaways or contests for your blog online on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram,

This helps to make people aware of your brand and what you do or what you stand for, to make the giveaway more known,

you can run it as an Ad that targets people with a similar interest in your niche.

Start by creating a hook, something that captivates the users’ attention and gets them to stop scrolling,

Add a CTA that convinces them to sign up by filling out a form when they visit your website by offering something that they can win.

32.  Reduce Your Bounce Rate & Increase Your Dwell Time

To reduce the rate at which people leave your website without interacting with other pages on your blog,

you want to make sure that you are doing everything right,

this can include,

Make sure that your website loads up really quickly and that the content on your blog is high quality and that it matches search intent.

When you choose a focus keyword,

be sure to scan through other web pages to find out what kind of content is already ranking for that keyword,

so you can have an idea of what type of content to create and how to make yours better.

33.  Publish Long-Form Content

Over the past few years,

it has been noticed that most blog posts ranking on the first page of Google have some things in common,

one of those things is that they are usually long-form content.

Long-form content is content that is 4000+ words,

these types of content are seen as more able to thoroughly satisfy the search intent of the searcher.

They also contain more resources, links, and other content types that the searcher would possibly need relating to the searched keyword.

My advice – Try to publish long-form content in your blog.

34.  Answer Frequently Asked Questions For Every Topic

If you notice, for every keyword that you choose,

there are specific questions related to that keyword that people are searching for on the internet.

Answering these questions in your blog posts helps to increase the chances of your answer to those questions being featured in the Featured snippets results.

Pay attention to how you answer these questions in your posts,

make sure that questions requiring list answers are done so and those requiring sentences are answered properly.

35.  Improve Your Click-Through Rate (CTR)

One of the biggest ways to drive traffic to your blog is to increase your CTR, to do this,

you want to make sure that all areas of your blog visible to visitors are “inviting” and irresistible.

This can involve switching up your headline game and writing headlines that contain more emotionally engaging words that provoke curiosity and urgency in the reader,

Use Fatjoe Headline Analyzer tool and Coschedule Headline tool to create engaging headlines for your blog posts.

You also want to make sure that you are diversifying your content and providing the best possible value in a very unique way that your readers can’t forget you in a hurry.

Try to fill content gaps by answering questions in your field that your competitors have not answered on their blog to make yourself the best possible resource available for that keyword.

36.  Check Your Competitor’s Traffic Sources

Have you ever wondered? Where does my competitor’s traffic come from?

Where are they getting the majority of their traffic?

Is it from a guest post? social media? Top ranking keywords? or a comment they left on a blog?

Finding out where their search traffic comes from will help you to determine which traffic sources to focus more on when it comes to improving your backlink profile and marketing efforts.

Make a list of your competitor’s biggest traffic sources and try emulating this information to create a marketing plan for your blog

37.  Publish More How To’s and List Posts

Did you know?

“How to” and “list” posts are one of the highest converting types of blog posts out there?

The reason is simple, because of the numbered list or the “how to” question,

the user’s search query is usually thoroughly answered with this type of post.

Try to write more “how to” posts for your blog niche, “why” and “what” posts also convert more too.

38.  Optimize Your Websites For Other Search Engines

Asides from Google there are so many other search engines,

your website doesn’t have to rank on just Google alone.

Register your website or blog on the webmasters for search engines

Examples include Bing, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, YouTube, Baidu, Yahoo, Pinterest, and even DuckDuckGo.

This way, you don’t just get traffic from Google but other search engines as well.

39. Add A Tool To Your Blog

Did you know that one of the most visited pages on Neill Patel’s blog is his keyword research tool Ubersuggest?

The page generates hundreds of thousands of monthly traffic to his website alone,

What’s the lesson here?

People love freebies,

Adding a free tool that is highly requested in your niche and getting that page to rank in the search results can quadruple your website traffic overnight!


How can I increase traffic to my website?

There are a number of ways to increase traffic to your website. You can start by optimizing your website for search engines and producing high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. You can also promote your website on social media and collaborate with other websites in order to create backlinks.

If you’re looking for additional ways to drive traffic to your website, you can try using paid advertising or email marketing. And finally, always remember to monitor your website’s analytics so that you can track your progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

What are some effective ways to increase traffic to my website?

There are a number of things you can do to increase traffic to your website. One is to improve the ranking of your website on search engines. Another is to generate quality content that people will want to share. You can also promote your website through social media and other online channels. And finally, you can also use paid advertising to drive traffic to your site.

How can I improve my website’s ranking on search engines?

The best way to improve your website’s ranking on search engines is to increase traffic to your website. You can do this by publishing high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience, promoting your content on social media, and optimizing your website for search engines.

Another important factor that affects your website’s ranking is the number of links from other websites. You can improve your website’s link popularity by obtaining links from reputable websites and by submitting articles and blog posts to popular directories and websites.

What are some website design tips to increase traffic?

There are a few things you can do to increase traffic to your website. One of the most effective methods is to create high-quality content that is relevant and useful to your target audience. You should also implement SEO strategies to improve your search engine ranking and visibility.

Additionally, you can promote your website through social media and online directories, and use paid advertising campaigns to reach a larger audience. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website receives the exposure it deserves and drives more traffic this way.

What are some ways to promote my website?

Increasing traffic to your website is essential for promoting it. You can do this in a number of ways, including optimizing your website for search engines, using social media, and conducting online advertising.

Another effective way to promote your website is by guest blogging on high-traffic websites in your niche. This will help you reach more people with your message and drive traffic back to your own website. By providing valuable content and growing your readership, you’ll be able to increase the visibility of your website and attract more visitors.

How can I use social media to increase traffic to my website?

There are a few things you can do to increase traffic to your website from social media:

  1. Share links to your website’s content on your social media profiles.
  2. Use effective hashtags when sharing links to your website’s content.
  3. Create social media posts that encourage people to visit your website.
  4. Run social media ads that promote your website’s content.

What are some other online marketing techniques I can use to increase traffic to my website?

There are a number of online marketing techniques you can use to increase traffic to your website. Some of the most effective techniques include SEO, paid search, email marketing, and social media marketing.

SEO is the process of improving the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can be done by optimizing your website for certain keywords, publishing high-quality content, and building backlinks from other websites.

The paid search involves purchasing ads on Google and other search engines. These ads appear alongside the regular search results, and clicking on them takes users to your website.

Email marketing involves sending promotional emails to your subscriber list. These emails can contain links to your website or articles on your website that

How can I measure the success of my efforts to increase traffic to my website?

There are a number of ways to measure the success of your efforts to increase traffic to your website. One way is to look at your website’s analytics and see if there has been an increase in the number of visitors over a given period of time.

Another way to measure traffic is by using tools such as Google Analytics, which will help you track how many people are visiting your website from different sources, including organic search, paid search, social media, and email. You can also use Google AdWords to measure the success of your paid advertising campaigns.

Increase Traffic To Your Website – Conclusion

There are so many ways to increase traffic to your website or brand-new blog,

some of them are quick and don’t last for a long time,

but techniques like SEO can help you gain consistent traffic to your website for a really long time.

These are the kind of efforts you want to go after,

one that provides free consistent, and organic traffic over a long period of time,

These 39 ways to increase traffic to your blog will help you get your blog noticed by your target audience and bring that spike in traffic that you are looking for.

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