Paid Advertising
Make Money Blogging Monetize your blog

Paid Advertisement & How to Make Money with It

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Getting started with paid advertisement as a blogger can seem intimidating, but in reality, the process is relatively straightforward.

With the rise of social media and influencer marketing,

paid advertisements have become one of the key sources of income for bloggers.

From hosting sponsored Instagram posts to paid features on their blog,

paid content has helped many aspiring entrepreneurs make an honest living by doing what they love – sharing their creativity on the Internet.

Paid advertising has become one of the most popular ways for bloggers to make money.

It involves displaying ads on your website, typically in the form of banners or text links.

This type of income is based on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis;

you get paid each time someone clicks on an ad.

Advertising networks such as Google AdSense, Ezoic, and MediaVine partner with bloggers to provide them with relevant ads that can be placed on their sites.

Once you join one of these programs,

they will usually have a setup wizard so you can place their code within your web pages which will allow their ad displays to appear when visitors view them.

What Is Paid Advertising?

Paid advertising is the practice of using targeted digital ads to promote a product or service.

It’s an effective way of getting your message in front of potential customers who may not have heard about you before,

and it can be very cost-efficient, depending on how well-designed and targeted your campaigns are.

At its most basic level, paid advertising involves creating advertisements in different formats such as display ads, search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns, video ads, social media posts and placing them where they will reach the right target audience,

typically through websites or social networks that cater to specific demographics or interests segments.

The goal of all paid advertisement is simple:

By targeting people who are likely to be interested in what you offer,

you increase your chances of getting them to take some kind of action

whether that’s making a purchase from your online store or simply learning more about what you do.

There are several types of paid advertisement available for businesses today,

including Google Ads (formerly AdWords), Facebook Ads, Reddit Ads, and LinkedIn Ads – each with their own unique benefits for businesses looking to reach their target audience(s).

What are Ad Networks?

Ad networks, also known as advertising networks or ad servers,

are powerful and effective digital tools for managing paid advertisement campaigns.

They allow advertisers to efficiently target consumers with their ads across a variety of online platforms and devices.

At its core,

an ad network is a collection of websites that have agreed to show advertisements from the network’s paying customers, typical businesses seeking to promote their services or products.

Ad networks have created vast networks that allow companies to reach out with their messages while using narrow targeting techniques rather than blindly buying spots in large media outlets like television commercials.

How Do Ad Networks Work?

Ad networks connect advertisers directly with websites willing to house ads and collect payment (on behalf of the website) for each ad served.

Ads are sold through programmatic auctions

which are automated real-time bidding systems wherein different buyers bid on the available inventory in order to get the most attractive deals possible for them at any given time and serve content based on factors such as location, audience demographics, device type/screen size and more.

That way advertisers can maximize impressions from marketing budgets by having great control over where their messages appear throughout the web.

One benefit of using an Ad Network is that they enable easy tracking of results since they provide sophisticated metrics

which let marketers track how many people saw their advertisements, interacted with them, or engaged further by taking action such as clicking links inside those ads and even making purchases on advertiser’s sites

All this data can then be used by marketers to perfect their strategies so they can make sure they’re running successful campaigns that consistently generate ROI (Return on Investment).

How to Prepare your Blog For Paid Advertisement

1. Understand your audience

The first step to making money with paid advertisements on your blog is to understand your audience.

Who are they? What are their interests? What do they need?

Once you have a good understanding of your target reader,

you can begin to identify potential advertisers who would be a good fit for your blog.

2. Research Potential Ad Networks

Once you have a list of potential advertisers, it’s time to start doing some research.

Visit their websites and take a look at their product or service.

Make sure that it is something that would be of interest to your target reader.

You should also take a look at the company’s advertising rates and policies to make sure that they are within your budget.

3. Contact Potential Ad Networks

Once you’ve identified a few potential advertisers, it’s time to reach out and make contact.

The best way to do this is by signing up on their website, emailing or calling the company’s advertising department.

Be professional and polite, and explain what your blog is about and why you think their product or service would be a good fit for your readers.

4. Negotiate Rates and Terms

Once you’ve made contact with a potential advertiser, it’s time to start negotiating rates and terms.

This is where having a good understanding of your audience will come in handy,

as you can use this information to justify why your rates are higher than other bloggers who have similar audiences.

It’s also important to be clear about what type of advertisement you are willing to accept,

as well as the size and placement of the ad on your blog.

5. Create / Implement the Ad Network

Once you’ve reached an agreement with an advertiser, it’s time to create the actual advertisement.

If you’re not experienced in design,

there are plenty of online tools that can help you create simple yet effective ads.

Be sure to follow the advertiser’s guidelines regarding size, content, and placement on your blog.

6. Place the Ad on your Blog

Once the advertisement is created, all that’s left to do is place it on your blog.

Be sure to follow the advertiser’s instructions regarding where on your blog the ad should be placed.

Most likely, they will want it placed prominently on your homepage or in a sidebar widget

Top 10 Paid Advertisement Networks For Bloggers

1. Google Adsense Paid Advertisement Network

Anyone interested in becoming a Google Adsense publisher must own or have permission to operate a website that complies with the terms of service set forth by Google.

Google Adsense

This includes providing accurate contact information on your site and making sure it contains meaningful content that adheres to editorial guidelines specifying a non-offensive language, devoid of illegal activities or copyright infringement.

You are also required to display a privacy policy if your website collects any form of personal information from its users.

After setting up your online presence in accordance with Google’s policies,

you will then need to create an AdSense account by filling out the sign-up forms indicating how you wish for payments to be distributed as well as provide additional information about yourself such as bank account details (for those who wish for payments via EFT).

Afterward, link each active website compatible with AdSense into your account so that advertisements can start appearing on those pages when approved by Google staff members.

Once the setup is completed,

publishers will be able eligible for both per impression (CPM) payments based on views accrued through their ads as well as clicks (CPC) collected via visitors interacting directly with them over time;

depending upon which type of advertisement was posted across webpages registered under such accounts.

Payouts are typically made twice monthly given sufficient funds in one’s balance at a minimum US$100 value before being received through EFT deposits or participating Western Union branches nearest one’s location among other preferred methods listed within individual accounts worldwide,

besides direct deposit checks sent by mail available only in some countries.

2. Mediavine Paid Advertisement Network

Mediavine Paid Advertisement Network is a popular online advertising network specifically designed for bloggers and content creators,

offering them the opportunity to make money through their websites by displaying ads.

In order to join the medicine program, you must meet certain criteria,

your website must have at least 25,000 sessions per month with good user interaction (meaning that readers are actually engaging with your content);

you must also comply with Mediavine’s terms of service;

and finally, all advertising placements on your website or blog must match Mediavine’s standards for quality content.

If you fulfill these requirements,

you are eligible to become a member of Mediavine’s exclusive publisher network and will be able to start monetizing your website or blog through paid advertisements from various major brands through their platform.

Once accepted into the program,

there are several different types of ad placements available to publishers including display ads (banner ads), video ads (pre-roll/mid-roll video spots)

as well as native affiliate links in posts or articles which can drive additional revenues from sponsored content opportunities when clicked upon by readers who find relevant products advertised in this way.

Payments can be made via PayPal or direct deposit depending on where you live – but most importantly mediavine pays out 60% of all earnings generated directly back into its members’ pockets!

This makes it one of the highest-paying networks out there today competing against other networks ranging between 40 – 50%.

That said it should be noted that minimum payouts do vary depending on region but typically remain around $20 USD so every payout counts here!

So don’t be disheartened if at first,

it takes some time for those earnings numbers to climb up before seeing significant returns over time due diligence and patience does pay off eventually…

3. is one of the leading online advertising networks for publishers, providing a variety of monetization options through advertisements.

They offer competitive rates and dedicated account management support to ensure the best possible experience with their platform.

To get started with, you’ll need to meet certain requirements in order to register as a publisher on their network:

A website or blog that has at least 30K monthly page views

Your site should not host any adult content, hate speech/drug related material, etc.

You must have an active presence on social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter

Once you’ve met these criteria, you can create an account by completing’s self-serve enrollment process which requires basic information about the website or blog that you’d like to monetize.

After approval from (which usually takes 1-2 business days),

your account will be activated so that you can start displaying ads across your platform!

When it comes to payment methods available for bloggers on Media.Net’s network, they provide two highly convenient methods — PayPal & Bank Transfer (for US residents).

Through PayPal, payments are generally processed within 10 days

whereas for bank transfers payments take about 2 weeks after approval from Advertisers before being released into your registered bank account! In addition to these payment options,

they also allow a free real-time monitoring system so that you can monitor how well each advertisement performs towards overall revenue earned through your site/blogging platform!

Last but not least, if eligible, bloggers can also opt in for paid advertisements through their sponsored content program where they display relevant sponsored campaigns across various niches & categories according to user’s interests!

This is an easy way to earn more money while offering genuinely helpful advice and insights along with high-quality content through your personal blogging platforms!

4. Adthrive Paid Advertisement Network

Adthrive Paid Advertisement Network

AdThrive is an advertising network specifically designed to help bloggers monetize their work.

It offers a variety of options and payment methods, making it easy for content creators to maximize their earning potential.

To join AdThrive, there are certain requirements that must be met in order for your blog or website to be approved.

These include having at least 100k monthly page views on your site, a mature and consistent user base, and high-quality content that adheres to the company’s standards.

Furthermore, all sites eligible for membership must not contain any prohibited or restricted content such as hateful speech or illegal activities.

Once accepted into AdThrive’s network you will have access to their full suite of services including paid advertisement from brands like Amazon Ad Network and Mediavine in addition to direct contracts with advertisers who are looking for successful blogs with large audiences.

Payment is generally transferred via PayPal or through direct deposit into a bank account depending on what works best for the individual blogger.

Overall, joining AdThrive can be beneficial if you run a successful blog with lots of dedicated followers as it provides great ways to boost your earnings while also helping you grow your platform even further by connecting you with relevant brand sponsorships and opportunities.

5. Ezoic Paid Advertisement Network

Ezoic Paid Advertisement Network

Ezoic is a content optimization platform that helps bloggers to optimize their websites, increase the speed of loading times, and generate more ad revenue.

If you’re looking to become an ezoic blogger, there are certain requirements you should know in order to be approved and reap the benefits of this platform.

To begin with, your website must meet a few criteria before it can be accepted by ezoic:

1.) Your website must receive at least 10+ unique visits per day;
2.) You must have Google Analytics installed on your site;
3.) You must agree to abide by Ezoic’s Terms & Conditions for Publishers;
4.) And you must have valid payment details set up – PayPal or Bank Account depending on where you live.

Once these minimum criteria are met and your application has been submitted successfully, the review process may take several weeks as each request is reviewed manually by Ezoic staff.

Once approved, setting up an account is relatively easy and straightforward given that all required details (including payment information) were provided during the sign-up process.

Next comes monetizing your site with paid advertisements through ezoic’s certified Ad Exchange Network (AEN).

AEN requires only one line of code which needs to be placed into any HTML page once logged into the Ezoic dashboard and will then display ads automatically within 24 hours of submission – making light work compared to alternative ad networks such as Google Adsense which may take days or even weeks for approval from certain countries due to strict quality control from Google itself.

On top of this, depending on which payment model is chosen upon sign-up different advertisers may compete for space across pages with better-paying competitors resulting in increased CPM rates over time (rate per 1000 impressions).

6. Monumetric Paid Advertisement Network

Monumetric Ads

Monumetric is an innovative technology platform that enables bloggers to monetize their websites and content quickly and easily.

This platform provides a comprehensive set of tools, resources, and support for publishers looking to increase their revenue from advertisements.

To become part of the Monumetric network, there are several requirements for the website or blog.

These include: having at least 100K monthly pageviews; good user engagement including comments, shares, etc.; topics must be appropriate; a secure hosting environment; regular updates on new content; presence as a registered business (if applicable); and other criteria established by Monumetric’s team during the evaluation process.

Once approved into the program, you will have access to exclusive advertising products made available through our partnerships with numerous leading advertisers like Google Ads Network and Microsoft Advertising Network along with proprietary audience insights tools such as Audience Intelligence Suite™ to help maximize earnings potential.

In order to receive payment from advertisement revenue generated through your website or blog while part of this program,

you first must register with a payment service provider (for example PayPal or Wire Transfer) where funds can be sent electronically based on your account information provided in your profile settings within Monumetric’s platform once all necessary verification processes have been completed.

It is important to remember that all payment services require verification before payments can start being received so ensure that everything has been set up correctly prior to launching so payments can start coming in right away!

7. Revenue Hits

Revenue Hits is an online advertising platform that allows bloggers and publishers to monetize their websites with pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

Through Revenuehits, you can generate additional revenue for your blog by showing relevant ads on your site and earning money for each click the ads receive.

To join Revenuehits, you’ll first need to register as a publisher by signing up on their website using an email address and password.

Once registered, you’ll be taken through a verification process to confirm your identity before being accepted into the network as a publisher.

After completing the registration process, it’s time to start displaying paid advertisements on your blog or website in order to make money from clicks generated by visitors who view them.

To do this, you will need to install code provided by Revenuehits onto all pages of your blog or website where these ads should appear.

This code needs to be placed between tags in the HTML of each page that requires adverts – be sure not to place any other content such as images above this code as it could interfere with its operation!

Once set up correctly, visitors visiting any pages containing this code will start seeing relevant pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements based on their browsing habits and interests while also helping publishers earn revenue from any clicks those same adverts receive from readers viewing them!

So what payment methods are available for bloggers?

Revenuehits supports multiple payment options including PayPal and Payoneer – paying out earnings biweekly after reaching a minimum payout amount of $20 so there’s no waiting around too long once cash has been earned!

8. Pop Ads

Pop Ads Paid Advertisement Network is an online advertisement provider for publishers and bloggers that enables the placement of pop-up and pop-under ads on their websites or blogs.

This can be a great way to monetize your website as you will be paid when visitors click on any one of these ads.

In order to use Popads as an ad network you’ll need access to their website, your own domain name, and a hosted site (ideally running WordPress).

Additionally, they have certain requirements that must be met in order to run their ads:

all sites must comply with their Terms & Conditions, have no prohibited content such as malware or copyright infringement, include localized content where applicable, and not feature any advertising which interferes with PopAds’ advertisements.

When it comes to payments for bloggers who use PopAds advertisements on their sites, the payment methods depend upon what country the publisher/blogger is from.

For those in some European countries like Poland or Croatia, there are bank transfers available whereas most other countries offer PayPal payments ranging from $5-20 USD per thousand impressions (CPM).

Additionally, for US residents, there is also the option of direct transactions via Mastercard or Visa debit cards if supported by your bank – though this may incur additional fees depending upon your card network provider’s terms.

9. Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads Paid Advertisement Network

First things first, before you can start with PropellerAds, you need to create an account on their website:

Once your account is set up, all that’s left is to submit your site/blog URL and set up ads there.

The minimum traffic requirement for using PropellerAds varies based on the ad format you choose and the country where most of your visitors come from (e.g., Europe or the USA).

Once this criterion is met, it means that the network will accept ads from bloggers who meet these conditions even if they don’t have any initial experience in advertising campaigns or previous relationships with existing partners/brands in distribution networks such as Google AdSense or Mediavine Ads Network.

Propeller Ads offers various types of paid advertisement options – pop-under ads, push notifications advertisements, banner advertisements, and direct link banners (interstitial) – so there’s something for everyone here!

You can also utilize its vast library of tools at no charge including real-time stats about impressions & clicks; powerful API applications; performance reports; customizable ad formats that allow testing multiple versions within one campaign; a payment wizard etc.

When it comes to payment method – it’s pretty simple:

once your earnings reach $20 USD (previous 7-day period), they’ll be automatically transferred via PayPal or Payoneer into a chosen bank account within 5 business days after applying a withdrawal request through personal cabinet menu “Finance” -> “Withdrawal”.

The money should arrive shortly afterward depending upon countries location but usually takes 2 weeks maximum until the process completes fully due to transaction fees charged by banks across different states territories etc…

The exchange rate applied when transferring payments occurs according to the current rate established by the system automatically so do not worry about fluctuations in exchange rate differences anymore!

10. Adsterra Paid Advertisement Network


Adsterra is a leading ad network and media buying platform, offering extensive opportunities for bloggers to monetize their content.

It provides access to thousands of advertising campaigns from various sources such as advertisers, affiliate networks, and direct publishers.

In order to start using Adsterra services and earn rewards from your blog or website, you must meet certain requirements:

  1. Your blog or website must have at least 10k monthly visitors;
  2. The content in your blog or website must be original, non-plagiarized material;
  3. You must comply with current Advertising Policies (such as Prohibited Content);
  4. You must complete the registration process by providing accurate information about yourself and/or your company.

Once you have successfully registered for an Adsterra account and met all compliance requirements, you may begin monetizing your content with paid advertisement campaigns from multiple sources around the globe.

You can choose between CPC (Cost Per Click), CPA (Cost per Action/Acquisition), CPV (Cost Per Viewer), and CPI (Cost Per Impression).

Additionally, there are several options available when it comes to selecting payment methods – Wire Transfer minimum 50 USD withdrawal amount;

PayPal minimum 20 USD withdrawal amount;

ePayments with a minimum of 20 USD withdrawal amount;

WebMoney with no minimum withdrawal amounts required; Bitcoin with no minimum required;

Paxum has no limits on withdrawal amounts.

In order to keep track of payments system regularly enters invoices into account that detail how much you’ve earned each month.

All payments are made within 7 business days after customers confirm they are satisfied with ads performance upon approval please provide all details such as bank wire transfer number if applicable etc so that money reaches promptly on time without any delays or issues whatsoever.

11. Buy Sell Ads Paid Advertisement Network

Buy Sell Ads Paid Advertisement Network

Paid advertisement requirements and payment methods for bloggers on are straightforward and hassle-free.

To be eligible, your website must have a consistent daily viewership of at least 25,000 unique visitors per month.

In addition, you must be the legal owner or have permission to post ads on your website.

If these criteria are met, then you can create an account with Buysellads and start earning money by advertising other companies products on your blog or website!

BuySellAds offers both CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) and CPC (cost-per-click) campaigns for advertisers to choose from depending on their objectives.

With CPM campaigns, you’ll get paid based on the number of impressions made per thousand views each time someone visits your page;

while with CPC campaigns you’re getting paid when people click through a link related to the ad they see, allowing them to visit the advertiser’s webpage directly!

To make sure payments are received quickly, it is important that all information associated with the blog is filled out during registration in order to receive payments accurately.

Once this has been done successfully, along with any other verification checks needed by Buysellads, payment will be sent via PayPal or Payoneer within 60 days after the campaign ends.

It is also worth noting that there’s no limit as to how much money you can earn if accepted onto their network – meaning more traffic equals more earnings!


Ad networks are a great way to monetize your blog because they provide an opportunity for you to be paid for displaying ads on your site.

Ad networks are essentially platforms that connect advertisers with publishers (i.e., bloggers).

By joining an ad network, you’ll have access to hundreds of potential advertisers and, as long as you meet the network’s criteria, you’ll be able to display their ads on your website and earn money from them.

The most common way to monetize a blog through an ad network is via pay-per-click (PPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) advertising models — both of which can be quite lucrative depending on the ad rates offered by the advertiser.

With PPC, visitors who click on your ads will earn you money each time; with CPM, every thousand impressions will bring in payment; and both models also come with additional features like referral programs in some cases.

Another benefit of using an ad network is that it typically handles all of the technical aspects associated with running advertisements so that you don’t have to worry about complicated setup procedures or maintenance tasks related to serving up those ads yourself.

Most top-tier providers even deploy sophisticated algorithms designed specifically for optimizing revenue based on traffic data gathered from their various customers’ websites — ensuring that they’ll always generate more income than setting things up manually would produce.

This means more money in your pocket!

By leveraging multiple different types of advertising formats provided by various well-established networks like Google Adsense and Mediavine among others, bloggers can maximize earnings potential significantly compared to relying on just one type of program or working directly with individual advertisers alone.”

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