people shaking hands after a Sponsored posts deal
Make Money Blogging

Sponsored Post – How to Make Money from It

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A sponsored post can be a very lucrative source of income for bloggers…

Have you ever seen a social media post or blog article where an influencer is promoting a product or brand?

Chances are, they were paid for it in the form of sponsored content.

Companies will partner with influencers in order to reach their target audience and potentially increase sales.

In turn, the influencer is compensated financially for promoting the sponsored product or brand.

The payment process can vary depending on the channel being used (e.g., Instagram vs. a blog)

but it often involves a flat fee or commission based on sales generated from the sponsored content.

It may not always be obvious, but sponsored posts can be a lucrative source of income for bloggers.

If you’re a blogger, then you’ve probably considered accepting sponsored posts on your site.

After all, it’s an easy way to make some extra money, right? Wrong.

There are actually a lot of potential pitfalls that come with sponsored posts

which is why it’s important to approach them with caution.

In this post, we’ll go over some best practices for sponsored posts so that you can make sure you’re doing them the right way.

What Is A Sponsored Post?

A sponsored post is a blog post that is written by a blogger on behalf of a company or brand.

These posts are usually written in exchange for some form of payment

although occasionally a company will provide a free product or service in exchange for the post.

Sponsored posts are distinct from traditional advertising in that they usually (although not always) contain some element of objective, third-party endorsement.

In other words, a sponsored post should ideally read like a regular blog post

with the exception being that it is specifically about a particular product or service.

Why Do Companies Pay For Sponsored Blog Posts?

Many companies opt to pay popular bloggers or influencers to write sponsored posts about their products or services.

This method of advertising can have a significant impact on consumer behavior

Especially for millennials who frequently use blogs as a source for recommendations and reviews.


sponsored posts can also establish trust and credibility for the brand by having an unbiased third party endorse their offerings.

Bloggers also tend to have a loyal following who value their opinions

making sponsored posts highly effective in reaching a targeted audience.

Overall, sponsored blog posts allow companies to connect with potential customers in a unique and authentic way.

Plus, when done properly, sponsored posts feel organic and provide value to both the brand and the reader.

It’s no surprise that many companies are willing to invest in this form of advertising.

Before Getting Started with Sponsored Blog Posts;

1. Set Up an Amazing Blog

When it comes to setting up a successful blog, there are a few key components to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to have a clear focus and niche for your content.

This will help attract readers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Next, make sure that your blog is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Finally, consider incorporating sponsored posts or advertisements into your content strategy.

Sponsored posts can provide an additional source of income for your blog

as well as introduce your readers to new products or services that may interest them.

Keep these tips in mind as you set up your amazing blog!

2. Build A Readership and Grow Your Audience

By consistently producing high-quality, engaging content, you will attract more readers and keep them coming back for more.

However, sponsored posts can also be a great way to boost your reach and bring new eyes to your work.

Partnering with companies or fellow bloggers can introduce you to their followers,

who may become fans of your writing as well.

Collaborations can also add diversity to your content while allowing you to maintain a steady stream of sponsored content alongside your own original work.

In any case,

whether through sponsored posts or fresh ideas,

growing your audience requires carefully crafted and timely content that keeps people coming back for more.

3. Set Up A “Sponsorship” Page on Your Blog

Your website is a valuable asset, and as it grows in popularity,

there may be opportunities for sponsored posts or product collaborations.

Setting up a dedicated sponsorship page can make it easier for potential sponsors to find all the necessary information about your site’s traffic and demographics.

On this page,

include any sponsored content guidelines such as disclosure policies, sponsored post rates, and preferred types of products or brands to collaborate with.

It’s also a good idea to provide links to your social media accounts

and any past sponsored posts so potential sponsors can get an idea of your collaboration style and reach.

A well-organized sponsorship page not only demonstrates professionalism but also helps attract potential sponsors who are the right fit for you and your audience.

4. Prepare A Media Kit

When approaching potential sponsors or partners,

it’s important to have a comprehensive media kit ready to showcase your brand and reach.

This will include statistics about your following and engagement on social media,

as well as any press coverage or sponsored posts you’ve done in the past.

Be sure to also include samples of your work – photos from sponsored campaigns, sponsored Instagram captions, blog posts,

and anything else that demonstrates the value you can offer potential partners.

Developing a strong media kit allows sponsors to easily see the benefits of working with you,

increasing the likelihood of successful collaborations.

Plus, having everything organized and ready to go will save time and make pitching future partnerships a breeze.

So put in the effort now to create an impressive media kit – it’s worth it in the long run.

5. Prepare A Contract

When it comes to sponsored posts on social media, it’s important to protect both parties by preparing a contract.

This document should outline the terms of the agreement,

including the specific content that will be sponsored, the duration of the sponsored post, and any compensation for the individual or brand posting it.

The contract should also stipulate how and when payment will be made,

as well as how sponsored posts will be disclosed to followers.

By preparing a contract in advance, both parties can have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and expectations.

This not only helps ensure a successful partnership but also protects both parties from potential disputes or misunderstandings down the line.

When in doubt, consult a lawyer to ensure that all bases are covered in the contract.

A little extra effort upfront can save a lot of headaches in the long run.

Signs Your Blog Is Ready To Partner With Brands

For many bloggers, partnerships with brands can be a major milestone.

But how do you know when your blog is ready to start pitching sponsored posts or sponsored campaigns?

One clear sign is consistent growth in your website traffic and social media followers.

This shows that you have an engaged audience who may be interested in the products or services being promoted.

Another indicator is strong brand cohesion and a clear understanding of your blog’s niche or focus.

You want to demonstrate to potential partners that you can accurately represent their brand to your readers.


consider whether sponsored posts fit with your overall aesthetic and provide value for both your readers and the partner brand.

Approaching potential collaborations with intentionality will lead to mutually beneficial partnerships down the road.

How to Find Brands to Work with

1. You can join influencer network platforms

If you are looking to turn your social media presence or blog traffic into a money-making opportunity,

Joining an influencer network platform may be the answer.

These platforms connect brands with popular social media users, offering sponsored posts and endorsement opportunities.

Some really great blog sponsorship platforms to join include Real Clever, Tap Influence, Acorn,, and Blog Meets Brand.

Before joining, it’s important to carefully review the platform’s rules and guidelines.

They will often require some proof of your follower count and engagement rate, as well as specific information about your demographic and target audience.

Once you’re approved, you can browse available sponsored posts and apply for those that align with your personal brand.

Working with an influencer network can open up new revenue streams and allow you to collaborate with a variety of exciting companies

2. Pitch a brand yourself

Pitching your brand to potential collaborators can seem intimidating, but with proper preparation and a bit of confidence, you’ll be able to present your offerings in the best light.

Before reaching out, make sure to have a clear understanding of what your unique selling points are and who your target audience is.

Create some sponsored content beforehand so that potential partners can see a tangible example of what you can offer.

In your pitch, outline how collaborating with your brand will benefit them, such as increased visibility or access to new demographics.

Finally, be open to negotiated terms and flexible when it comes to making the partnership work for both parties.

Remember, while self-promotion may feel uncomfortable at first, ultimately it is necessary for growing your brand and achieving success.

3. Work with companies that reach out to you

Sometimes, it can be tempting to work with any company that reaches out to you for sponsored posts or collaborations.

But before agreeing to a partnership, it’s important to do some research on the company and see if its values align with yours.

Do they have a diverse staff and support inclusive initiatives?

Are they transparent about their supply chain and production processes?

Working with companies that share your values will not only help keep your brand authentic, but it will also have a positive impact on the world at large.

Choose to work with companies that are making an effort to better themselves and create positive change in their industry.

Your followers will appreciate your commitment to conscious consumerism, and it will benefit society as a whole.

So next time a collaboration opportunity comes knocking, do your due diligence and make sure the partnership is one worth pursuing.

How to Decide What Type of Content to Create for a Brand

When it comes to creating content for a brand, it’s important to understand their target audience and what their goals are.

Are they trying to increase brand awareness or drive sales?

This can help inform the type of content that will be most effective.

For example, sponsored posts featuring sponsored products may be more successful in generating sales,

while a social media campaign aimed at increasing followers may require more creative and interactive content.

Conducting market research can also provide valuable insight into what kind of content resonates with the audience and an understanding of any potential missteps to avoid.

Ultimately, determining the right type of content for a brand will require considering their objectives and audience preferences, as well as leveraging data from past campaigns.

How Much to Charge for a Sponsored Blog Post

Method 1: Calculating Minimum Base Rate

One way to calculate a minimum base rate for sponsored posts is by first determining the value that each post brings to your audience.

This could include the number of sales generated, website traffic driven, or engagement levels.

Next, research sponsored post rates within your industry and determine the average going rate.

Lastly, take into account factors such as the time and effort required for each sponsored post, as well as your own unique value as a creator.

By taking all these factors into account,

you can arrive at a realistic minimum base rate for sponsored posts that both benefits you and provides value to your audience.

Keep in mind that this base rate can also change over time, so it’s important to continually reassess and adjust accordingly.

Method 2: Calculating Cost Per Mille (CPM)

When it comes to sponsored content on social media, it’s important to know your cost per mille (CPM), or cost per 1,000 impressions.

To calculate CPM, first determine the total amount spent on sponsored posts.

Then, divide that number by the number of impressions the sponsored posts received.

Finally, multiply that result by 1,000.

For example, if a sponsored post receives 50,000 impressions and costs $250, the CPM would be calculated as ($250/50,000)*1,000 = $5.

By understanding your CPM,

you can make informed decisions about sponsored content and ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment.

How To Send A Quote For Sponsored Content?

it’s important to make sure both parties are clear on the terms of the agreement.

Before committing to a sponsored post, it’s best to request a quote from the company.

This allows you to negotiate specific details such as payment, deadlines, and usage rights.

First, reach out to the company with a clear outline of what you’re proposing for sponsored content.

Be sure to include specifics such as desired length and potential promotional channels.

Once they respond with their quote, make sure to confirm key points such as payment method and any exclusivity agreements.

By requesting a quote and closely reviewing the terms, you can ensure a successful partnership with the sponsoring company.

Can You Work For Less Than Your Minimum Base Rate?

The answer to this question really depends on the individual’s personal values and circumstances.

For some, it may not be a problem to accept sponsored posts or work for rates below the base industry standard in order to gain exposure or experience.

However, for others, accepting less compensation for their work can devalue their own labor and undermine efforts to advocate for fair pay within the industry.

It is important to consider the impact that accepting lower wages can have on both yourself and the larger community before making a decision.

At the end of the day, it is up to each person to assess their own needs and priorities and determine what they are comfortable with.

How do you get paid?

If you’re a blogger who relies on sponsorships to help support your blog, then you know how important it is to get those invoices out as quickly and accurately as possible.

  1. Be clear about what the sponsorship includes.
    Your invoice should itemize exactly what the sponsorship includes, whether it’s a certain number of blog posts, banner ads, or social media mentions. This will help ensure that both you and the sponsor are clear about what has been agreed upon. If there are any deliverables that fall outside of the scope of the initial agreement, be sure to list them separately so that the sponsor can easily see what they’re being charged for.
  2. Include your contact information.
    Make sure your invoice includes your full contact information, including your name, email address, and website URL. This will make it easy for the sponsor to get in touch with you if they have any questions about the invoice.
  3. List the date that payment is due.
    Be sure to include the date that payment is due on the invoice. This will help ensure that you receive timely payment and avoid any confusion on when payment is expected. You may also want to include a late payment fee if payments are not received by the due date.
  4. Use a professional template.
    There are plenty of free invoice templates available online that you can use to create a professional-looking invoice. This will give your invoice a polished look and help you appear more professional to your sponsors.
  5. Send your invoices promptly.
    Aim to send out your invoices within 7-10 days of completing the sponsored content or delivering the agreed-upon deliverables. The sooner you send out the invoice, the sooner you’ll get paid!

Drafting A Sponsored Post Contract

A sponsored post contract is a legally binding agreement between a blogger and a sponsor.

This contract protects both parties by laying out the expectations, deliverables, and compensation for the sponsored post.

If you’re a blogger who is looking to work with sponsors, it’s important that you have a contract in place before you start working with them.

Not only will this protect you from getting taken advantage of, but it will also give your sponsors the peace of mind of knowing that they’re working with a professional.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create and sign a sponsored post contract.

Creating the Contract

The first step in creating a sponsored post contract is to decide what kind of content you’re going to create for the sponsor.

Will it be a written blog post, an Instagram post, or something else?

Once you’ve decided on the format, you’ll need to write out the details of the post, including what the subject matter will be, any keywords that need to be used, and the deadline for delivery.

Once you have all of the details worked out, it’s time to put them into a contract.

If you’re not sure how to do this, you can find templates online or hire an attorney to help you.

Make sure that all of the details of the agreement are clearly laid out in the contract, including the scope of work, deadlines, compensation, and any other expectations.

Once both parties have signed the contract, it’s time to get to work!

Signing the Contract

Once you’ve created your contract, it’s time to get it signed by both parties.

Make sure that each party has a copy of the signed agreement before any work begins.

Once the contract is signed, both parties are legally obligated to uphold their end of the deal.

If either party breaches the contract, they may be liable for damages.

So make sure that you’re ready to follow through on your end of the agreement before you sign anything!

Best Practices For A Successful Sponsored Post

1. Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity

Just because someone is willing to pay you to post their content on your site doesn’t mean that you should accept every offer that comes your way.

It’s important to consider the quality of the content as well as the monetary compensation when deciding whether or not to accept a sponsored post.

After all, your readers trust you to provide them with high-quality content—if you start posting subpar sponsored content, they’re going to lose faith in you quickly.

2. Always disclose sponsorships

This should go without saying, but it’s important to disclose any relationships that you have with sponsors before publishing their content on your site.

Failing to do so could result in some serious legal trouble down the road.

Not to mention, being upfront about sponsored content will help you maintain the trust of your readers.

3. Keep your voice consistent

Sponsored posts should always be clearly marked as such, but that doesn’t mean that they have to sound completely different from your other content.

In fact, it’s usually best to keep your voice consistent throughout all of your blog posts, regardless of whether or not they’re sponsored.

This will help create a more seamless reading experience for your readers and make it clear that even though a post is sponsored, it’s still coming from you and represents your personal brand.

4. Choose sponsors wisely

Not all sponsors are created equal—some will be a better fit for your blog than others.

When considering a potential sponsor, take the time to research their business and see if they align with your values.

You should also make sure that they’re a good fit for your audience

if their products or services wouldn’t be of interest to your readers, then there’s no point in working with them.


Sponsored posts can be a great way to monetize your blog—but only if you do them right.

A sponsored post contract is an important tool for protecting both bloggers and sponsors when working together on paid content.

If you’re a blogger who is looking to start working with sponsorships, make sure that you have a contract in place before any work begins.

This will protect you from being taken advantage of and will give your sponsors peace of mind knowing that they’re working with a professional

By following these best practices, you can be sure that you’re getting the most out of your sponsorships while still providing value for your readers.

And at the end of the day, isn’t that what blogging is all about?

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