Shocking Blogging Tips
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31 Shocking Tips In Blogging From Expert Bloggers In 2024

In This Post, We Will Cover

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With the number of new blogs being created daily, it is easy to find more than a million tips in blogging you need to keep in mind to become a successful 6 figure blogger, but how many of them actually work?

Are you looking to take your blog posts to the next level? With millions of blogs around, it can be hard to keep them engaging and stand out from the noise.

But if you want to grow your blog, there are some great tips that expert bloggers use which can help maximize engagement and success.

In this post, we’ll share 31 surprising secrets from professional bloggers that will have a dramatic impact on how successful your blog is!

Top Blogging Tips By Expert Bloggers

1. It’s Not Too Late To Start A Blog

If you have been considering starting a blog, it’s not too late!

Entering into blogging can be daunting, so to start off it’s helpful to create an editorial plan that outlines tips or advice on a particular topic.

Additionally, it’s essential to ensure the content is well-researched and written in a way that is both clear and concise.

Once all elements of the blog post are complete, the next step is marketing.

To increase readership, take advantage of social media platforms and other forms of online advertising. With consistency and dedication to creating quality content, your blog will surely succeed.

2. Find Out What People Are Searching For

People are increasingly turning to the internet for answers to questions they have, and much of this is taking place on platforms such as Quora. While some users may be searching for general tips or advice, others may be looking for more specific information, such as tips related to blogging.

If you’re trying to determine what people are looking for when they search specifically about blogging topics, there are a few helpful areas that can provide insight.

First and foremost, look at the most popular keywords related to blogging. You can do this by researching other blog posts or using analytical tools such as Google Trends or AdWords Keyword Planner.

This will give you an idea of the main topics that people search for and therefore which topics are likely to resonate with readers across various demographics and industries.

3. Research Your Audience

When it comes to blogging, researching your audience is one of the tips that you should follow to ensure success. Knowing who your readers are can give you insight into their needs and preferences, allowing you to create content that resonates with them and keeps them interested.

Through research, you can also learn about what challenges your audience has and how your blog might help provide solutions. Additionally, having a clear picture of who you’re targeting will direct how you craft words, images, or audio that attract and engage the right readers while putting off the wrong ones.

4. Choose A Blog Niche That You Can Write About

Choosing a blog niche is an important step for any blogger. When narrowing down topics to write about, one should select a niche that aligns with their interests and passions.

Doing so can help sustain motivation when writing and make it easier to keep up with tips in blogging. It’s important to select a topic that has enough material to explore without overwhelming the blogger as well.

By researching current trends and staying up-to-date with changes in the industry, bloggers can ensure their content is relevant and entertaining. Ultimately, finding a blog niche you are passionate about is key to successful blogging!

5. There Should Be A Specific Purpose For Your Blog

For any blog to be successful, it is important to have a central purpose and tips to keep readers engaged. Establishing a goal is essential in order to ensure that the content readers find fulfills the promises communicated through the blog’s title, tagline, and initial posts.

People who visit a blog intend to learn from tips shared or experience the discussed topics with an understanding of what they should gain from their time spent reading.

Defining direction provides insight into both the intention for a blog and its opportunities for improvement; all worthy goals for consideration when tips in blogging are applied.

6. You Need To Niche Down ALOT!

For many bloggers, it’s tempting to keep your blog topics broad and vague, but if you want to get noticed and establish yourself as an expert in a field, then you need to hone in on one particular niche.

This requires narrowing down your blog topics into narrower categories and focusing on specific tips standing out from the crowd. For example, is there a particular segment of tips in blogging that you can hone into?

Can you create unique content that your audience cannot find anywhere else? A well-defined niche – with content tailored for a specific audience – is what will drive engagement and increase your readership.

7. Create A Blogging Content Plan & Strategy and Stick To It

As a blogger, having a content plan and strategy can be really beneficial to keep you organized and on track with topics you want to cover. Creating tips in blogging will give your readers useful information in addition to creating an engaging experience on your blog.

When drafting out your content plan and strategy, consider the topics you want to write about, how often you’d like to post, what type of content you want to create (i.e. videos, polls, essays), who your target audience is and what format will work best for your readers.

Taking the time to draft out a plan and stick with it could help build strong reader loyalty as your blog grows.

8. Traffic Shouldn’t Be Your Goal At The Begining Of Your Blogging Journey

While traffic is an essential part of succeeding as a blogger, it shouldn’t be your foremost motivation when starting out. Rather, focus your energy on developing tips for your blog that offer readers something interesting and valuable.

When you consistently prioritize quality content and meaningful connections over getting more followers or views, the reward will naturally come in the form of steady increases in website visits.

If you make it a goal to create immensely helpful tips in blogging, this can truly set you apart from the rest and elevate your blog to new heights.

9. Create An About Page That Befits Your Brand

An about page is an important part of a website as it shares information on the company’s identity and mission. A well-crafted page should be optimized to clearly reflect the brand’s personality and elucidate its tips in blogging, products, and services.

Business owners can use their creativity over the content and design elements to bring an effective message that would make visitors better understand their brand.

No matter the shape or design chosen, effective ‘about us’ pages should convey a sense of trustworthiness and professionalism that make customers feel comfortable purchasing goods or services offered by your organization.

This is essential to establishing credibility online, as nothing creates trust like being able to ‘put a face’ to a business.

10. Find People To Keep Your Accountable To Your Blogging Goals

Achieving your blogging goals and staying on track can sometimes feel like a daunting task. When you’re feeling frustrated or unmotivated, having someone to rely on can be invaluable.

Take the time to seek out people who understand tips in blogging and will help keep you accountable as you strive toward reaching your goals. Collaborating with others that share similar ideals or projects can also be very rewarding and can give you a renewed enthusiasm for blogging.

Either way, putting yourself in an environment with people who have similar objectives is key to helping you focus on your end goal.

11. Treat Your Blog Like A Business By Investing In It

If you are serious about your blog, treating it like a business should be a given. Investing in it, however, is the only way to ensure its long-term success.

You don’t need to make a huge financial outlay, nor do you have to be an expert in tips for blogging – simply investing time and effort, along with finding ways to learn more about the subject can prove to be the most effective strategy.

Setting yourself specific goals and objectives will also ensure that you remain focused on growing your blog as a business venture. Taking these tips into account will result in an investment of both money and energy that will ultimately benefit your blog in the long run.

12. Make Your Blog Posts Very Easy To Read and Understand

Writing blog posts that are easy to read and understand is essential for keeping readers engaged.

The tips in blogging should include using cogent language, considering breaking content into manageable pieces, and avoiding jargon as much as possible. By making these techniques part of a writing style, the post becomes accessible to both novices and experts alike.

Using simple language ultimately forges a connection with the reader by conveying the correct understanding of the subject matter rather than alienating them from the topic at hand. In other words, it’s important to write something that any audience can comprehend and still keep an interesting narrative.

Overall, creating effective blog posts begins with crafting content that is readable and understandable.

13. Don’t Forget Social Media!

As a blogger, having an active social media presence can be very beneficial in helping you reach your readers. The tips for turning your social media engagement into successful results are numerous and easy to implement.

Start by cultivating a basic strategy that involves consistent posting with quality content that is relevant to your audience. Make sure to use tools like sprout social to utilize hashtags, interesting visuals, and optimized titles whenever possible. Listen to your followers as they often have valuable insights.

Finally, use analytics tools to measure the results of your efforts and adjust accordingly over time. If done correctly, keeping up with your social accounts will do wonders for growing your readership.

14. Become An Expert In Your Niche and Industry

Becoming an expert in your niche and industry is a great way to gain credibility and trust from your audience. It all starts with tips in blogging: writing informative, quality content regularly to build awareness about the topic.

Researching the latest tips, techniques, and developments related to your industry gives you an edge while crafting relevant material that resonates with readers.

Additionally, engaging in conversations across social media platforms to network with like-minded people and promote helpful information can amplify your reach within the community you are interested.

With each of these tips, you can get a step closer to becoming a recognized authority in your niche or industry.

15. Your Website & Email List Are Your Most Important Assets

Every successful blogger knows that a website and an email list are two of the most important assets a blog can have. Having your own website is essential for getting your blog’s message out there and building an audience.

Furthermore, having an email list and regularly engaging with it allows you to reach even more people by sharing tips, and updates, and inviting them to join exclusive events you may be hosting.

By implementing these tips into your blogging strategy and making your website and email list top priorities, you will undoubtedly see an increase in visitors, followers, and potential customers.

16. Learn How To Delegate Tasks & Hire Help If Needed

One of the tips for blogging successfully is learning to delegate tasks and hire help if needed. It’s important to recognize that although there may be tasks that you have the tools and skillset to do, they may take hours away from your abilities to focus on what you do best.

Better yet, bringing in an expert can increase your results in lesser time and with more efficiency than if performing the task yourself. Through delegation and hiring help, it’s possible for bloggers to gain more free time for expanding their blogs and launching new projects.

17. Not Everyone Will Understand Or Support Your Blog

Starting a blog can be both exciting and intimidating. While it can be exhilarating to share your thoughts and tips in blogging with the public, it is important to remember that not everyone will understand or support you.

It’s impossible to please everyone, so it is best to concentrate on those who do uplift and appreciate your content. Focus your energy on producing informative, inspiring posts that leave an impression on readers who enjoy them.

Even if some viewers don’t agree with you, there is undoubtedly someone else out there that resonates with you deeply and values your content. Don’t let the negative comments deplete this connection or discourage you from using your platform as a tool of influence.

18. Utilize Your Blog As A Powerful Marketing Tool

Blogging is an invaluable marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. Not only does it provide the opportunity to show off your expertise, but it can also be used to engage with potential customers and build important relationships with existing ones.

To maximize the impact of your blog, there are a few tips that can greatly improve its effectiveness as a marketing tool. For example, regularly posting content that offers useful tips and insights tailored to the needs of your audience will establish you as a knowledgeable source in the industry and demonstrate your commitment to providing value.

Additionally, optimizing content to make it easier for search engines to find you is key in expanding reach, while making sure that posts are well-structured, readable, and attractive will keep readers engaged on your page. Follow these tips and leverage the power of blogging to take your marketing strategy up a notch.

19. Invest In That Much Needed Course!

Investing in a course related to tips for blogging can be instrumental in taking your blog to the next level. Not only will it give you the tips, tricks, and knowledge you need to bring your blog up a notch, but it will also save you tons of time and effort.

You’ll often find that comprehensive courses from well-known experts can help expedite the process of learning what to do and how to even start by providing direct advice on things someone starting out should know.

It can also provide reassurance that using tips from credible sources really does lead to success – making the investment worthwhile.

20. There Will Always Be Algorithm Changes But You Will Be Fine!

It’s no secret that algorithms change frequently, so it can be intimidating to begin building your blog knowing that things could shift at any time. But with the right tips in blogging, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve.

Becoming familiar with tips like creating engaging headlines and featuring additional content such as images, audio and video clips will help ensure your blog continues to capture an audience no matter what algorithm changes come your way.

Ultimately, by focusing on tips that increase engagement, you can remain resilient when algorithm changes arise.

21. Learn SEO, Believe Me, You Need It!

To help your blog stand out in the crowded internet arena, learning how to utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips can be key. Whether you’re a beginner blogger or have been doing it for years, taking the time to learn SEO tips and tricks can help you strategically build a larger, more engaged readership.

Through researching and implementing tips such as keyword density, meta tags, and backlinks, you can ensure that your content is easier to find on search engines.

With these tips as part of your blogging approach, you can focus on producing captivating articles sure to grab the attention of readers and result in more shares and comments.

Make SEO tips a priority when crafting content for your blog if you want to rise above the competition!

22. Monitor Your ROI (Return On Investment) Consistently

As a blogger, it is essential to make sure you are achieving a return on the time and resources you invest in your blog. Monitoring ROI is an excellent way to track your success and evaluate tips and strategies that have been successful in the past.

Investing your time wisely by keeping a close eye on your ROI will help ensure that you are growing as a blogger and building an audience that appreciates your content.

Doing so also ensures that you have a good understanding of which tips and strategies should be adjusted or discarded due to a lack of success, making it easier to focus future efforts on more productive approaches. Ultimately, setting up systems for tracking ROI can help guide your blogging journey for more profitable results.

23. Create Products Specifically For Your Blog & Niche

Creating a product specifically for your blog and niche is an excellent marketing strategy that can help you grow your following while generating an additional income stream.

Having a product uniquely tailored to tips and advice in blogging, as well as helping to solve the common issues encountered by your target audience, can be extremely beneficial in developing trust and loyalty.

Crafting a product that offers real value outside of your blog posts, thus giving readers something tangible to take away with them, can provide a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and stand out within your niche.

Whether it’s a tips booklet, resources kit or online course related to the tips you discuss on your blog, having a product designed exclusively with tips-based blogging in mind is sure to appeal to new and existing readers alike.

24. Always Ask Permission For Photos You Take!

Whenever you are taking any type of photo that you intend to share online, always make sure to get permission first. Not only is it courteous and respectful but following this rule is essential for bloggers who want to remain protected from any legal repercussions.

Practicing responsible photography not only shows respect to the subject but also demonstrates respect for your audience, ensuring the content you post is genuine and true.

As a blogger, make obtaining permission one of your top tips in order to guard yourself and your readers from any suffering caused by avoiding asking permission for photos.

25. Your Blog Isn’t About You, Focus On Your Audience

When blogging, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Remember, your blog isn’t about writing what you want to discuss, but rather focused on the tips and topics that will engage your audience.

Part of being actively engaged with your readers means involving them in the conversation- asking questions, surveys, and polls, and incorporating feedback into content ideas.

Creating an interactive experience where readers both contribute to and benefit from knowledge is key for successful blogs. Taking the time to get to know your audience better can be a great way for influencing how you shape future content as well as ultimately grow relationships.

26. Create Content That Is Worth Linking To & Sharing

Foundational tips in blogging should start with creating content that is worth linking to and sharing. Quality content means writing in a format and voice meant for your target audience, backed up by appropriate research.

Focusing on such topics or tips that are informative and helpful to your reader can boost your reputation as a knowledgeable source online. When people come to trust your expertise and read your content, they’re more likely to link and share it, thus expanding your readership further.

In short, if you want people to link and share your content, create valuable tips that both inform and enlighten you.

27. Spend Time Crafting Click-Worthy Headlines


Crafting catchy titles and headlines for your blog is essential as they are the key to attracting readers. An interesting title can get people invested in what you have to say, while a more mundane tone can turn them away.

With tips on how to craft click-worthy titles, you can ensure that your post stands out from the crowd and catches people’s attention.

Focus on brevity while conveying the main message of your post in an interesting way; think of title ideas that are compelling and memorable, incorporate power words like ‘amazing’ or ‘unbelievable’, and tailor the headline so it is relevant to your audience.

Create an exciting title that is reflective of the content within so that readers will be eager to learn more about what you have to say!

28. Connect With Other Bloggers In Your Niche

One of the best tips in blogging is to connect with other bloggers in your niche. Not only will you be able to learn, and exchange ideas and tips, but you may also be able to form collaborations or even start joint ventures.

Networking with like-minded people within your industry can open up vast opportunities and you never know how mutual connections could result in future success! Get the conversation started – it might just work in your favor.

29. Blogging Analytics Will Always Be Inconsistent – It’s Okay!


Blogging analytics has always been a bit of a wildcard; it’s hard to tell whether your posts are being viewed and engaged with as much as you’d like them to be. But there’s no need to worry!

Although the nature of blogging analytics may be a little unreliable, there are tips and tricks for getting your message out there that can help give you an edge. Doing things like researching relevant hashtags, engaging with other bloggers, working on quality content, and scheduling posts ahead of time can all help give your blog some well-deserved attention.

The blogosphere is vast, but you don’t need to be a blog analytics guru for tips that can boost your profile in effective ways.

30. Go All In!

Blogging is a great way to connect with people, share knowledge, advertise a product or service, and nurture different passions. To make the most of it, it pays to go all in! Follow tips on formatting your posts properly, and writing catchy headlines and content that clearly relays your message.

Doing so will make them stand out to readers and encourage more engagement. Spend some time researching best practices for blogging and explore associated marketing techniques such as email campaigns and social media promotion.

Ultimately, going all in leads to more success when you’re maintaining a blog.

31. Just Do It! Start Now!

Now is the time to take advantage of tips in blogging.

Perseverance and dedication are important in succeeding as a blogger, so as the old Nike slogan goes “just do it”! It’s never too late to start and it can be both a challenge and an opportunity to learn.

Research tips from reputable bloggers in similar fields, read advice from other successful bloggers, practice using social media platforms for maximum reach, seek constructive feedback from your readers through polls and surveys, and always stay consistent with timeline management.

A blog has the potential to become an effective platform for self-expression or revenue generation given you think out of the box and stick to your goals!


Implementing even a few of these tips will put you ahead of most bloggers in terms of blog design, content quality, SEO, and social media engagement.

Remember, becoming a successful blogger takes time, effort, and consistency. But if you commit to it and stick with it, you can achieve your goals!

And be sure to sign up for my newsletter for more blogging tips – I’ll send them straight to your inbox so you can take your blog to the next level!

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