Blogging Tips

How to Blog More Consistently – 2024 Lazy Blogger Tips!

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Learning how to blog consistently is a very important skill to master when building a blogging online business and is one of the things a lot of bloggers struggle with on their blogging journey.

Besides increasing your blog traffic as blogging consistently attracts more readers to your blog since there is a lot more content to consume,

It also helps build up your authority in the eyes of Google and other major search engines by improving your search rankings over time as you rank for more keywords.

I have discovered 9 main tips that always help me bounce right back to my regular blogging schedule and always get me out of a writing burnout and these are the tips that I will be sharing with you today, so if you are ready… let’s get right to it!

1. Establish Your Why

The most important way to help you learn how to blog more consistently is to first understand why you are doing it.

Why are you blogging? are you trying to create an online business for yourself and quit the 9 to 5 struggle? are you trying to establish a community around something that you care about deeply?

Whatever the reason is, understanding your why makes you more focused on your blogging goals and keeps you motivated to keep pushing through even when you don’t feel like it.

2. Setting Up A Blogging Calendar with Reminders

Nevertheless, a blogger without a blogging calendar is not a serious blogger, for you to be consistent with blogging, it’s important to create a blogging calendar with schedules of your day-to-day activities for your blog.

Things like when to publish a blog post on WordPress, post a YouTube video for your blog, create Pinterest pins, or Instagram content, or even send out an email newsletter campaign are some of the major tasks in the day-to-day running of a blog.

You want to make sure that you have set specific days on your blogging calendar with reminders and particular times allocated to each of these tasks to make sure that you do not miss them as they are vital to the growth and success of your blog.

3. Break Big Tasks Into Smaller Pieces

Blogging starts to look like a chore when we look at it as one big chunk of things to do and how much effort and time it will take that it becomes so easy to just postpone it to another day and procrastinate.

The solution to this problem is to break each massive task into smaller tasks that you can accomplish a lot faster and a lot easier.

For example, a task such as “publish 1 blog post today” becomes

  1. Do keyword research to find a long-tail, low-competition keyword with a high search volume and click-through rate.
  2. Create X number of possible titles for your blog post and choose one to use for your blog and for Pinterest pins.
  3. Create X number of Pinterest pins for your blog posts and write descriptions for each pin.
  4. Source or create images or infographics to add to your blog post to make it more appealing and interesting for your audience.
  5. Draft the blog post headlines, write the blog content, and optimize your blog post for SEO.

And so much more…..

4. How to Blog More Consistently? – Use A Blogging Template

A blogging template makes blogging a lot easier and faster to do and can reduce what should be a 3-hour task into 1 hour.

A simple Blogging template acts as a content brief and simply helps you to outline the most critical aspects of your blog post such as the heading, introduction, sub-headings, and conclusion.

Once all these details are laid out, the blog post itself becomes a lot easier and faster since you only need to fill out each category to write your blog post.

Here’s a full tutorial on how to write the perfect blog post for your blog that will help you increase blog traffic, feel free to check it out!

5. Allocate A Specific Time To Publishing

Every change starts with a decision and to get more consistent with your blogging, you need to decide on a specific time to publish your blog post that you will never miss.

For example, you can decide to publish 1 blog post at exactly 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday and stick to it.

The trick is….knowing that your readers will be looking forward to a blog post from you every Tuesday makes you want to publish more so as not to let them down.

You can even go the extra mile of batch-creating blog posts in advance and scheduling them to be published on your blog for that specific day and time so that it is automatic and requires little to no effort from you on that day.

6. Blog On Your Phone

Trying to convince yourself to switch on your computer and sit in front of it for the next 2 hours trying to write a blog post can be a hard thing to do sometimes.

For me, I almost don’t want to do it, so I found a better way, since I am always with my phone 247, I thought it would be a really good idea to just divert my attention to my blog while I am on my phone.

I do this by simply logging into the dashboard of my blog right from my phone and writing my blog post there.

Of course, any further editing and other tasks have to be done on the desktop or PC but at least, you already have your content written and ready to be edited.

If you aren’t someone who likes to write even on your phone, you can use speech-to-text applications like Dragon Anywhere, Otter, or Verbit to turn recorded blog posts into text to be published on your blog.

This helps to reduce the time spent on typing.

7. Set Specific and Actionable Blogging Goals

It’s a lot harder to keep blogging if you have no idea how much you are doing each month and how far your blog is progressing over time.

It is vital to set goals for your blog and try your best to meet up with your goals each month, this helps you understand where you need to focus your blogging efforts to help your blog grow faster.

Some goals you can set for your blog include;

  1. Publish XX number of blog posts per week
  2. Send out X email newsletters every week
  3. Create an Info-product and start selling by the dd/mm/yy
  4. Write X number of guest posts every month.

and so much more!

8. Generate A Long List of Blog Post Ideas

One of the biggest reasons why many bloggers cannot seem to post consistently on their blogs is that they have no idea what to write about.

Depending on the blog niche that you have chosen, there are articles or content that will resonate more with your target audience.

You want to make sure that you look for these hidden gems of content ideas that your target audience is searching for and create content designed specifically to target those questions.

Gather blog post ideas in your niche by looking at other blogs in your niche and what they write about and checking online forums to see what sort of questions are being asked that need answers.

You can use a tool such as Answer the Public to find and generate content ideas for your specific niche.

Don’t forget to do proper keyword research on the list of blog post ideas you have found to know what specific phrase to use as your focus keyword on your blog post and to know if you have a chance to rank for it or not.

9. Make Someone Hold You Accountable

The last but not the least tip I have found most helpful when it comes to blogging more consistently is to tell people about your blog and what you hope to achieve with it and when.

Let them know that their support would be appreciated if they were to check in on you from time to time to remind you to keep posting or ask you questions relating to your blogging process so far.

How to Blog More Consistently – Conclusion

That’s it!

My take on how to blog more consistently in 2024 and beyond.

Blogging consistently doesn’t have to be such a hassle and it really is like building a new habit.

If you do it repeatedly and more often, you will get so used to it that you don’t even think about it anymore.

You just do it.

Happy blogging!

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