How to choose a good blog name
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How To Create A Name For Your Blog In 2024!

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Want to know how to create a name for your blog?

Wondering what the process is for choosing the best blog name when starting a blog?

Don’t worry, I have got you…

The techniques listed here have helped me choose and pick out over 200 unique blog names!

Names that make a bold brand statement and you are about to learn that secret too!

You see, when I started my first blog, I pondered for a long time about what I would call it,

I was so worried about choosing a bad name for my blog,

I was scared of choosing something that I would look back on after 2 months and think,

what the hell was I thinking when I chose this domain name?”

And this is quite understandable,

You simply don’t want to choose a blog name that you will regret later or a blog name that has absolutely nothing to do with the type of blog you are creating.

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To make the process a lot easier for you,

when choosing a domain name for your blog, ask yourself these questions first:-

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Choosing A Blog Name

How to choose a good blog name

What Is Your Blog Going To Be About?

There are so many blog niches out there to choose from when choosing a blog topic,

You want to take your time and consider all options.

You want to make sure that not only your skill and your passion but your knowledge of a topic is a big influence in your choosing a particular blog topic or niche.

Deciding what to write about defers individually from one person to another,

So don’t feel like you are obligated to write on a particular niche just because someone else is successful in that niche.

Taking time to find out what your blog is going to be about can help you come up with common words or phrases that you can add to your blog name.

Here is a full guide on how to choose a blog niche that you will love writing about even after a year or two.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

The first and most important question to ask when choosing a name for your blog is the target audience of your blog.

This is important because it can determine the femininity or masculinity of a blog name.

It is also great if your blog name can consist of a word or two from your chosen target audience.

For example,

If I wanted to create a blog about blogging and my target audience were bloggers just like myself.

Blog names with words like “blogging” or “blogger” would be a nice addition to my domain name.

What Is Your Writing Voice Like?

Different audiences call for different writing voices,

For example,

The writing style or voice of a technical writer catering to a blog dedicated to providing tips for mechanical car repairs will be different from the voice or writing style of a motivational speaker or that of a personal development blogger,

Choosing your writing style can greatly impact your blog name,

You don’t want to go for an extremely serious blog name and then end up telling jokes on your blog,

Your writing style should match the tone of voice in your blog name as well.

Can You Blog On Other Topics Relating To Your Niche?


It’s very easy to get carried away trying to create a blog that is so niched down that you end up with literally nothing else to write about except one topic.

Which honestly can sometimes be so boring…

When choosing a blog name,

You want to make sure that the blog name is niched but not so niche that you could not write about related topics on your blog.

Having a niche blog is great because you get to create content for a specific set of people,

You know your audience and you design your content specifically for them.

But there is such a thing as too niched…..

Try to avoid that.

Does It Relate To Your Blog Niche?

Here’s why…

Imagine choosing a blog name called “Gold Hoops” for a blog about cooking and recipes, hardly makes sense right?

It would have made more sense if the blog was about fashion but since it isn’t we want to pick a blog name that goes with our desired blog type.

Try to choose a blog name that directly or indirectly relates to the blog niche you or the topic you are blogging about.

In this case, the name “cooking with Joe” or “wooden spatula” may make more sense.

Can You Sell It In The Long Run?

When you first start a blog,

The furthest thing from your mind is selling that blog and why would you?

You are looking to grow it and eventually make money from it right?


But, there will come a time in your blogging journey, 5 or 10 years down the line when you might decide to part with your blog, for whatever reason.

If you had chosen a blog name that is linked to your person, then this can make the process a lot harder than it has to be.

A blog name like “” will be a lot harder to part with than a blog name like “creative blogger” or “strawberriesandcream

This is because the name “” as a blog name is already branded and linked to you so it will be a lot harder for you to part with it.

Is It Unique?

When searching for a good blog name,

One of the most important things to search for is how unique the name you have in mind is…

This means you want to type that name into Google and look through the search engine results to find what comes up.

The reason why you need to do this is to make sure that your chosen blog name is not ranking for any negative content that you would not like associated with your blog.

You also want to check to make sure that there aren’t bigger websites already ranking for that same name,

Otherwise, your blog might just get lost in comparison to it.

You also want to check out the name on all the social media channels to make sure that they are available and if they are, claim it asap.

Can It Be Easily Branded Or Re-Branded?

A great blog name is one that can easily be branded or re-branded,

You want to make sure that the name isn’t too complicated and that a designer has no idea what sort of logo to design for it.

Or decide on what colors should be chosen for your brand identity…

It should be easily branded in such a way that the colors chosen give off the same energy on all platforms as it does on your blog.

4 Qualities Of A Good Blog Name

You have chosen a really great domain name if your blog name has the following qualities.

  • It relates to the type of blog you are creating.
  • You can sell it
  • It is unique
  • You can brand it

Creative Ways To Come Up With Blog Names

Coming up with perfect names for your blog doesn’t have to be hard,

Here are some of the easiest ways to come up with blog names for your blog:

Choose A Completely Random Name

Many people think that your blog name has to be related to your blog,

This is not true,

You can have a blog name that has absolutely nothing to do with your blog niche.

For example, take a look at this blog called melting butter

melting butter website

As you can see,

The blog name is totally unrelated to the blog niche but still,

It is a really memorable blog name, one you won’t be forgetting any time soon.

Use Your Own Name

You can also use your own name as your blog name, this is quite common,

Especially for bloggers who are looking to create a personal blog or a blog about their life.

The reason is that people tend to associate your blog name with your image,

This way, when they remember you, they remember your blog name,

It also makes it a lot easier for search engines to identify your blog since your particular name is being typed into the Google search bar, this helps a lot with SEO.

You can use your full name,

You can also use an abbreviation of your name plus your blog niche or even a sentence with your name or nickname in it.

Some examples of websites with these types of blog names include by James Clear, Cookie and Kate by Kathryne, and A Cup of Jo by Joanna Goddard.

How to choose a good blog name - use your own name

Scope Out Your Competitor Blog Name

Another really smart way to pick out a great name for your blog is by looking at your competitors,

Don’t get me wrong, am not saying go and choose a name exactly like the ones they have.

But the trick is, to look at the format they used in choosing their own names and follow the same format in choosing yours,

For example, if you notice that most of the top bloggers in your niche went for names that were completely random,

Then you might want to do the same, or if they went for names that included their blog niche, you might want to do the same too.

Make a list of the top 15 bloggers in your niche and analyze their blog names,

find out what format was the most common and go for it.

Try Blog Name Generators

If you are someone who simply doesn’t want to go through the stress of analyzing or thinking of brand-new blog names for yourself or maybe you simply don’t have the time,

The next best way is to use a blog name generator.

A blog name generator is a tool that helps to suggest blog names to you depending on the blog niche you enter or words related to your blog topic.

There are so many blog name generators to choose from, some famous ones include Business Name Generator, Masterpiece Generator, or Wix Blog Generator.

How to choose a good blog name - use a blog name generator

All you have to do is simply enter your chosen blog niche into the input box,

Or two or more adjectives related to your blog business and click the generate button to see hundreds of blog name ideas!

Find Synonyms Of Your Blog Niche

A synonym is a word that is closely related to another,

You can use synonyms to choose a blog name by looking at names that are closely related in meaning to a blog name idea you have or the blog of your competitors,

You can use the Word Hippo Synonym finder tool or the Thesaurus to search for blog names that are closely related to already existing blog names in your niche.

How to choose a good blog name - use a synonym finder

Believe me, you will find lots and lots of available blog names.

Use Abbreviations Of Words In Your Blog Niche

Ever seen a blog whose blog name is just an abbreviation or contains an abbreviation of a really popular name?

For example,

The blog WPBeginner has an abbreviation for WordPress right in its blog name and it is one of the biggest sources for tips, tricks, and really helpful tutorials on anything WordPress.

Notice how they combined their blog topic with their target audience and created a really great blog name?

You can do the same too!

Use A Completely Different Language


If you can’t find a name after using all of the tips and tricks here, then you still have one more option!

How about translating a word or two of your preferred blog name into a different language?

I know it’s crazy….especially when there are so many languages out there.

You can stick to really popular languages like French, Italian, Spanish, or even German,

Something that makes your blog name sound really unique and unforgettable.

Some popular blogs with names from other languages include Meraviglia Paper a travel blog,

Whose name is derived from the Italian translation of the word “marvel” and the English word “paper“.

use a completely different language

Take it for a spin, try converting a blog name you like to a different language and see what you find.

Merge 2 Words Relating To Your Blog Niche

The blending or merging of two words results in something called a portmanteau,

It’s basically the name you get when you combine two words that are completely different in meaning together with each other.

For example, if you combine the words Labrador and Poodle,

You get the word “Labradoodle“, or the words Travel and Addiction, you get the word “Traddiction“.

Take it for a spin! try combining two of your favorite words to create a completely unique blog name.

Use the Name Combiner tool, it allows you to enter up to 4 words to be combined

use a name combiner tool

Let me know if it works out!

Use A Short Sentence You Love!

If you still haven’t found a blog name you love, don’t fret! you still have one more tip to try,

How about using a sentence you love? or a saying that you think really resonates with you and your blog?

It could be anything,

It could be something from a motivational quote, a popular saying you like, etc.,

You can even use The Idioms tool to look for very popular sentences or phrases related to your blog topic that you might fall in love with.

Use a sentence or phrase

An example of a website that uses a sentence for its blog name is a blog called “She’s in the Glow“, yes, it’s a real blog name!

Choose yours now!

Final Checks Before You Decide!

Does It Sound Good When Pronounced As A Sentence Or Read In A Browser?

Let’s face it…

Some blog names can be so good….that is until you see it as a single word in your browser and think…Yeesh!

This is not what I was going for….at all…

Before deciding on your blog name,

Take your time to write it down as a single word and see how it reads or more importantly how easily it is pronounced.

If it sounds or looks weird like a single word in a browser,

Then it might be easier to find another name than to end up explaining to people what you intended to go for when you chose that name.

Is It Easy To Say, Spell, or Remember?

When we think of great blog names, we think of names like “Lifehack“, “MOZ” and ” Search Engine Journal” and think wow,

these are really great blog names!

Is your blog name easy to remember?

They read well either way, in a browser, as separate words, as one word, etc.

and gosh are they so easy to remember.

I could repeat the words life hack twice and it would automatically come to my mind the next time am looking for a website for hacks!….

Great Logic right?

Try doing the same thing for your blog.

Is The Same Name Available On Social Media?

One of the things most people forget to do when searching for a blog name is to check if their desired blog name is available on social media.

Getting the same name on all social media channels helps show brand uniformity and consistency,

Sometimes the same name might not be available and so, in that case, you might decide to do something else,

Maybe change the name of your blog or if you are comfortable,

Go with the closest available name.

But to be able to maintain consistency across all platforms,

It is better to go for a name that is the same as your blog domain name.

How To Create A Name For Your Blog FAQs

What Is A Good Blog Name?

A good blog name is a short, easy-to-pronounce, memorable, and unique name that contains your main keyword and blog niche or topic

How Do You Pick A Catchy Blog Name?

  1. Using your own name
  2. Checking out your competitor’s blog names
  3. Choosing a completely random name
  4. Writing down name ideas with pen and paper
  5. Using a blog name generator
  6. Going for a synonym
  7. Using an abbreviation or an Acronym
  8. Using a name combiner tool
  9. Translating to a different language
  10. Using a sentence or phrase

How Do I Title My Blog?

To title your blog post, you can use any of the following methods:

  1. Tell your readers what your post is about in the title
  2. Talk about a story that they can relate with
  3. Provide value in your content using numbered lists
  4. Make use of numbers, statistics, and facts
  5. Add your primary keyword to your title
  6. Use optimum headline lengths perfect for SEO
  7. Write specifically for your target audience

Should My Blog Be My Name?

You can use your name as your blog if your blog or brand is centered around you as a person, it can be about services you provide, reviews you give, etc.

If there is a chance your blog will not be centered around you and the services you personally provide, then it might not be wise to use your name for it

Does Blog Name Matter?

Your blog name absolutely matters especially when it comes to branding,

Choosing a bad blog name can mean that your users can’t seem to pronounce it properly, don’t understand what your blog is about, and will forget it as soon as they leave your website, confusing and even hard to spell.


There you have it, folks!

My list of the top creative ways to choose a name for your blog that you won’t regret,

One thing to pay attention to is time,

You really don’t have to rush the whole process of choosing a name,

Take your time and ease into it.

You can even explore all the options provided in this list before making a decision for yourself.

Let me know if it works!

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