Travel Blogging
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Travel Blogging – The Ultimate Beginners Guide

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If you love to travel and you love to write, then you might be wondering how you can turn your passion into a career, try travel blogging.

A travel blogger is somebody who writes about their travels on a blog, with the aim of inspiring and informing others who might want to visit the same places.

But what does it take to be a successful travel blogger? Keep reading to find out.

Whether you’re looking to document your personal travels or become a professional travel writer,

there’s a lot to consider before you start sharing your stories with the world.

A lot of people daydream about traveling the world but never actually do it.

Part of the reason is that they don’t know where to start. If you’ve been thinking about starting a travel blog but feel daunted by the task, then this list is for you.

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of travel blogging, from choosing a focus for your blog to promoting your content once you’ve hit publish.

What Is A Travel Blog?

Travel blogging is a unique type of blogging that focuses on the writer’s personal travel experiences.

A travel blog can be about anything related to travel, from planning tips and advice to trip reports and photo journals.

Travel bloggers share their insights and expertise with readers who are interested in learning more about a particular destination or topic.

Why Should You Start a Travel Blog?

There are many reasons why you should start a travel blog.

Firstly, it’s an excellent way to share your personal travel experiences with friends and family.

Secondly, it’s a great way to document your travels for future reference. And thirdly, it can be a great way to make some extra money!

There are endless reasons why people choose to blog about their travels.

For some, it’s a way to keep friends and family up-to-date on their latest adventures.

And for others, it’s a way to connect with like-minded travelers and learn about new destinations.

it’s a way to make a living doing what they love—sharing their passion for travel with the world.

No matter what your reasons for wanting to start a travel blog may be,

it’s important to remember that success will only come if you’re willing to put in the work.

A successful travel blog is much more than just a diary of your latest trip; it’s a well-crafted mix of compelling writing, beautiful photography, and useful information that provides value to your readers.

Top 8 Biggest Travel Bloggers In The World

Here are eight of our favorite travel blogs, each with a unique perspective that will inspire you as you start your own journey as a travel blogger.

1. Wandering Earl

Travel blogging: Wandering Earl
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
How to work while travelingAffiliate Marketing
Travel Gear and EquipmentDonations
How to budget for travelingSelling Travel Ebooks and Guides
Travel Tips, Tricks, and Planning

Derek Earl Baron, aka Wandering Earl, has been traveling continuously for over 17 years.

He’s been to every single country in the world and has tons of experience to share with his readers.

If you’re a travel blogger, then you’ve probably heard of Wandering Earl.

Wandering Earl is the pseudonym of Derek Earl Baron, a popular travel blogger who has been to over 100 countries.

He started his blog in 2003 with the goal of showing his readers that “long-term world travel is not just for wealthy people.”

Since then, he has amassed a loyal following of readers who share his love of wanderlust.

So how does Derek Earl Baron afford to travel so much?

In addition to freelance writing and photography, he also runs a successful online course called “How to Travel Anywhere on a Budget.”

He’s also been known to barter his services in exchange for free accommodation or transportation.

For example, he once traded website design services for a free stay in an eco-lodge in Costa Rica.

Derek Earl Baron’s travels have not been without incident. In 2012, he was robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro.

Thankfully, he escaped unharmed and used the incident as a learning experience, vowing to be more vigilant in future travels.

He has also had his share of close calls, such as getting lost in the Amazon rainforest and being caught in an earthquake in Nepal.

His blog is chock-full of practical advice and he’s even written a book, entitled “How to live a life of travel”

If you’re looking for some inspiration to get started in the travel blogging world, then look no further than Wandering Earl.

2. Fluent In 3 Months

Fluent in 3 months
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
Learning to speak a foreign languageAd display on the blog
Travel PlanningSpeaking at language events
Jobs in the Travel NicheLearning a new language courses
The shortest way to learn languagesAffiliate marketing on traveling and linguistics
Different foods while traveling

When it comes to travel bloggers, there is one name that always seems to come up: “Fluent in 3 Months.”

But who exactly is this mystery traveler? And how did they get their start? Let’s find out!

Fluent in 3 Months is the pseudonym of travel blogger and language learner Benny Lewis.

Originally from Ireland, Benny has made it his mission to visit as many countries as possible and learn as many languages as he can.

He has traveled to over 100 countries and learned over 10 languages. How does he do it? According to Benny, the key is to “make friends with the locals.”

By immersing himself in the local culture and making friends with people who speak the language, Benny is able to learn new languages quickly and effectively.

In addition to being a travel blogger, Benny is also a motivational speaker and author.

He has written several books on language learning, including “Fluent in 3 Months: How Anyone at Any Age Can Learn to Speak Any Language from Anywhere in the World.”

In his book, Benny shares his language learning methods and provides readers with practical tips and advice for becoming fluent in a new language.

3. Nomadic Matt

Travel blogging: Nomadic Matt
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
Travel InsuranceOnline Courses On Blogging
Travel GearAds Display On the Website
Best Travel DestinationsAffiliate Marketing On Travel equipment and Destinations
Travel Planning
Saving Money while Travelling

In 2006, Matthew Kepnes was working in retail at a J. Crew in Boston and was miserable.

He was bored with his 9-to-5 job and yearned for something more. So, he did what any sensible person would do; he quit his job, bought a one-way ticket to Bangkok, and started traveling around the world.

Kepnes had always been interested in travel—he had backpacked around Europe after college—but this trip was different.

This time, he wasn’t just visiting tourist traps; he was immersing himself in local cultures and getting to know the people who lived there.

He kept a blog documenting his travels, and it wasn’t long before people began taking notice.

He started his blog—then called “No Way But South”—as a way to keep friends and family updated on his travels.

The blog was mostly just photos and short updates at first, but it gradually evolved into something more as Kepnes began writing longer posts about his experiences overseas.

Kepnes’ new blog – Nomadic Matt, took off after he wrote a post about getting robbed while traveling through Vietnam.

The post went viral, getting picked up by news outlets all over the world (including The Huffington Post).

Overnight, Kepnes went from having a handful of regular readers to hundreds of thousands of people reading his blog every month.

Today, Kepnes is one of the most successful travel bloggers on the internet.

Nomadic Matt features detailed guides on how to travel cheaply and easily, as well as personal stories from Kepnes’ own adventures around the globe.

He’s also the author of several best-selling books, including “How to Travel the World on $50 a Day” and “The Ultimate Guide to Travel Hacking.”

4. Hey Nadine!

Hey Nadine!
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
Travel gear and equipmentAffiliate marketing
Hottest travel destinationsBrand collaborations through YouTube
The lifestyle of a travel bloggerBrand sponsorships
Travel PlanningVideo creation and production
Different cuisines and food while travelingSpeaking at events

Nadine Sykora is a professional travel blogger, vlogger, and YouTuber.

Nadine has been to over 60 countries and all 7 continents. She quit her corporate job in 2016 to pursue her passion for travel full-time.

She started her blog and YouTube channel, “Hey Nadine,” in 2013, and her video content has amassed over 30 million views.

Nadine’s videos are the perfect mix of informative and entertaining.

She has a knack for making even the most mundane topics (like packing for a trip or applying for a visa) interesting and relatable.

Her editing style is clean and professional, and her on-screen personality is bubbly and infectious.

But our favorite thing about Nadine’s videos is that they always make us want to hop on a plane and see the world for ourselves!

If you’re looking for someone to inspire your wanderlust, then look no further than Nadine Sykora.

This professional travel blogger, vlogger, and YouTuber have been to over 60 countries and all 7 continents, and she shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Check out her YouTube channel, “Hey Nadine,” for informative (and entertaining!) videos about everything from packing for a trip to applying for a visa.

Trust me, after watching just one of Nadine’s videos, you’ll be itching to jump on a plane and explore the world yourself!

5. Bucket List Journey

Travel blogging: Bucket List Journey
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
Overcoming anxiety and taking control of your lifeDisplay Advertising on the blog
Motivation and self-helpAffiliate marketing
Travel PlanningCollaborating with brands
Business and Money TipsBrand sponsorships
Travel DestinationsSelling ebooks, printables, and merch

Bucket list journey is another thrilling blog by Anette, who in the early years of her life seemed confined to a life in and out of the hospital, with one single decision, Anette decided to take control of her life by saying yes to adventures and not letting her anxiety get the best of her.

Her blog covers a variety of topics, from travel, motivation, and goal setting to even money management and business where she shares her tips and tricks on how to take control of your life and live life on your own terms.

She currently wears many hats, from being a chef to an accountant, psychologist, full-time blogger, and wife, she is also the co-owner of Sugo Trattoria, a restaurant, her own online store – Buck & co, and the creative mind behind her award-winning blog, bucket list journey.

If you need inspiration on how to get out of your comfort zone and pursue your travel blogging dreams full time then I would surely recommend you check out Bucket list journey!

6. The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
PhotographyThe Travel Shop
Travel DestinationsAffiliate marketing
Solo TravellingBrand sponsorships and collaborations
Blogging Tips Social media marketing and influencing
Food and CuisineConsultancy services

The Blonde Abroad is a travel blog written by Kiersten Rich.

It features tips on solo female travel and aims to inspire other women to see the world.

Kiersten has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, and Huffington Post.

She’s been blogging since 2011 and currently resides in San Diego, California.

Kiersten’s love for travel began at a young age. When she was just 18, she took her first international trip to Italy with her family.

After that trip, she was hooked on travel and knew that she wanted to see as much of the world as possible.

In 2009, she took a semester abroad in college and spent four months living in Florence, Italy.

It was during this time that she realized her true passion for travel blogging.

Upon graduating from college, Kiersten saved up money for a year so that she could backpack around Europe for four months.

She chronicled her adventures on her blog, and upon returning home, realized that she wanted to continue traveling and blogging full-time.

In 2011, she quit her corporate job, sold all of her possessions, and hit the road! Since then,

she’s been to over 60 countries and has no plans of slowing down anytime soon.

Kiersten’s blog features a wide range of content types, including personal essays, helpful how-to guides, packing lists, city guides, bucket list roundups, and more.

Her goal is to show her readers that solo female travel is possible and fun!

Whether you’re looking for information on how to plan a trip or just want some inspiration to get out there and explore, The Blonde Abroad has something for everyone.

7. Dan Flying Solo

Travel blogging: Dan Flying solo
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
Top Travel DestinationsWriting sponsored posts
Travel PlanningAd display on the website
Travel Equipment and gearBrand collaborations
Photography tips and equipmentAffiliate marketing

If you love to travel and you’re always on the lookout for new and interesting travel bloggers to follow, then you’re in luck!

Today, we’re introducing you to Dan, the man behind the solo travel blog “Dan Flying Solo.” Read on to learn more about Dan, his motivations for starting his blog, and what kinds of content you can expect to find on his site.

Dan started his blog for a few reasons. First of all, he loved to travel.

He has been fortunate enough to see some amazing places all over the world and wanted to share his experiences with others in the hopes that it will inspire them to get out there and explore as well.

Additionally, Dan feels that solo travel is something that isn’t talked about enough.

Sure, there are plenty of couples or friends who travel together, but there are also a lot of people out there who are perfectly comfortable traveling on their own. And he wanted to show them that it’s not anything to be afraid of—in fact, it can be really rewarding!

So far, Dan has mostly focused on writing blog posts about his personal experiences with solo travel.

He has written about everything from the best places to eat and drink in Kuala Lumpur (spoiler alert: there are a lot!) to how to make the most of a layover in Dubai.

In the future, He also plans on featuring guest posts from other solo travelers as well as interviews with people who work in various aspects of the travel industry (think hoteliers, tour operators, etc.). Basically, if it’s got anything at all to do with solo travel, you’ll be able to find it on his site!

Whether you’re a solo traveler yourself or you’re just looking for some interesting new travel content to check out, be sure to add “Dan Flying Solo” to your list of must-reads!

With informative articles about a variety of different destinations around the world—all from the perspective of someone who’s traveled there alone—you’re sure to find the best travel blogging tips out there.

8. Never-Ending Footsteps

Never Ending Footsteps
Blog FocusMonetization Strategies
Safety while travelingPatreon Donations
Top travel destinationsAd display on the website
Travel planningAffiliate marketing
Blogging tips and tricksSponsored posts

If you’re looking for travel blogging inspiration, look no further than “Never Ending Footsteps.”

This blog is run by Lauren, a solo female traveler who has been to over 100 countries and counting.

She’s an expert on long-term travel and has plenty of tips and tricks to share with her readers.

There are a lot of travel blogs out there, but “Never Ending Footsteps” stands out from the pack for a few reasons.

Lauren is incredibly knowledgeable about solo travel. She’s been doing it for over 10 years and has learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way.

She’s not afraid to share the nitty-gritty details of her travels.

You won’t find any rose-colored glasses here; instead, Lauren gives it to you straight, whether she’s writing about the best places to eat in Rome or the challenges of long-term travel.

Lauren’s blog is incredibly well-written and engaging. Her passion for travel comes through in every post, and her photos are simply stunning.

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to “Never Ending Footsteps” and start planning your next adventure! Whether you’re looking for information on budget travel or just some Armchair Traveling inspiration, this is the blog for you.

How to Become a Travel Blogger

Starting a travel blog may seem like a daunting task, but with these 8 easy steps, you’ll be up and running in no time!

1. Choose A Travel Blogging Niche

a. Choosing a focus

One of the first things you’ll need to do when starting your travel blogging journey is choosing a focus.

What is it that you want your blog to be about? Are you going to write about budget travel? Family travel? Adventure travel? Solo female travel? The list goes on and on.

the 1960s roots of You’ve Got MailHere are a few things to keep in mind as you choose your focus:

b. Pick something you’re passionate about:

If you don’t have a passion for the type of travel you want to write about, it will be difficult to sustain a long-term blog focused on that topic.

c. Consider your target audience:

Who do you want to read your blog? By zeroing in on a specific niche audience—such as solo female travelers over 50—you’ll have an easier time promoting your content and growing your readership.

d. Don’t try to please everyone:

It’s impossible (and not necessary) to write for everyone, so don’t try! By having a focus, you can appeal more easily to targeted readers who are interested in what you have to say.

e. Choose a catchy name and stunning visuals.

Your blog’s name and visuals should reflect your niche and give readers an idea of what they can expect to find on your site.

f. Invest in good equipment.

If you’re going to be taking a lot of photos (and you should be!), you’ll need a decent camera and tripod. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend thousands of dollars on the latest and greatest equipment but invest in something that will help you take high-quality photos.

g. Keep it simple:

A narrower focus will make it easier for people to understand what your blog is about at first glance—and make them more likely to back for more later on. Once you’ve chosen your focus, it’s time to start brainstorming some possible blog names

2. Choose Your Blog Name and Platform

The first step in starting your travel blog is choosing a name and platform.

You want your name to be something catchy that will draw readers in.

Once you’ve chosen your name, you need to decide which blogging platform you will use.

WordPress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms.

3. Set Up Your Blog

Now that you’ve chosen your name and platform, it’s time to set up your blog!

This process will be slightly different depending on which platform you’re using.

If you chose WordPress, you will need to set up hosting for your site through a service like Bluehost or GoDaddy.

If you’re using Blogger, setting up your blog is as simple as creating an account with Google.

4. Choose a Theme

The next step is to choose a theme for your blog. A theme is essentially the design template for your site.

You want to choose something that is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Again, this process will be different depending on which platform you’re using,

WordPress offers both free and paid themes, while Blogger only has free themes available.

5. Start Writing Posts

Now comes the fun part—actually writing your posts!

When writing your posts, remember to focus on quality over quantity.

Each of your posts should be well-written and offer value to the reader.

Try to post regularly, but don’t stress if you miss a week here or there—life happens!

6. Add Pictures

Pictures are worth a thousand words—or so the saying goes.

And when it comes to blogging, this couldn’t be more true.

Every one of your posts should include at least one high-quality photo (preferably more).

If you’re not a professional photographer, don’t worry—you can still take great photos with just your phone camera!

7. Promote Your Blog

Now that you’ve written some awesome posts and added beautiful photos,

it’s time to start promoting your blog so people actually see it!

The best way to do this is through social media

create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and share each of your new posts accordingly.

You can also promote your blog by guest posting on other blogs or participating in link-ups (more on those later).

8. Monetize Your Blog

If you’re looking to make some money from your travel blog (and who isn’t?), there are several ways to go about it.

One way is through affiliate marketing—this involves including links to products or services within your posts and earning commission on any sales made through those links.

Another way is by working with brands on sponsored content—essentially being paid to write about a particular product or service within one of your posts .

9. Keep at It!

Starting a successful travel blog takes time, effort, and dedication.

But if you stick with it, eventually, you’ll start seeing results! And even if nobody reads your blog but YOU, that’s okay too!

Because at the end of the day, travel blogging is all about sharing YOUR stories, YOUR photos, and YOUR experiences with the world.

And that’s what makes it so special.


Travel blogging is a great way to share your experiences with others and potentially make some money while doing it!

Just remember that it takes hard work and dedication to succeed as a travel blogger.

If you’re up for the challenge, start by finding your niche, coming up with a catchy name and stunning visuals for your site, investing in good equipment, and being prepared to hustle!

Take some inspiration from these 8 travel bloggers I mentioned above!

These travelers have plenty of helpful tips and advice to share based on their own personal experiences crisscrossing the globe.

With some hard work and dedication, anyone can become a travel blogger.

But if you want people to read and enjoy your blog posts, it’s important that each one is well-written and full of useful information.

Ready to take a plunge into the world of travel blogging? With little hard work and creativity, you can build an engaged audience around the globe

Just remember to focus, create quality content, and promote activities to grow your following.

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