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15 Best Sponsored Post Networks for Bloggers In 2024

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Are you looking for the best sponsored post network to join in order to monetize your blog?

If yes, then you are in the right place.

Sponsored posts networks can be a great way for bloggers to make money.

With so many of them around, it can be difficult to know who to join.

In this post,

we will discuss some of the top-ranked networks that offer great opportunities for bloggers who want to increase their revenue through sponsored posts.

Many Sponsored post networks have reviews, lists, and rankings of these networks that can help you narrow down your choices.

Popular Sponsored Posts networks for bloggers include IZEA, Tapinfluence, and Seeding up – as well as a host of others.

We will go into detail about each of these networks and how they can help boost your blog’s reach and bring more income from paid sponsorships.

After reading this article,

you should have a better understanding of how promotion works as well as what types of campaigns can be successful for sponsored posts.

Ready to get started?

Let’s dive right in!

What Is A Sponsored Post Network?

A Sponsored Post Network is a type of online advertising platform that focuses on sponsored content.

This type of advertising allows advertisers to place advertisements with blog posts, videos, and other types of media.

It can be used by brands to reach audiences across multiple channels, including social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Sponsored Post Networks provide marketers the opportunity to create targeted campaigns based on user interests or behaviors.

The network also helps connect brands and influencers in order to create mutually beneficial relationships that promote brand awareness and establish trust among customers.

With these networks, advertisers have access to detailed analytics that track how well their campaigns are performing in terms of impressions, and clicks generated from users clicking an ad link or taking a specific action (e.g., signing up for a newsletter).

They can also adjust their campaigns quickly if needed in order to optimize results over time for maximum visibility and engagement.


Sponsored Post Networks offer an efficient way for brands to reach wider audiences without having considerable amounts of marketing budget allocated towards traditional advertisements like TV commercials or radio ads.

Making them incredibly attractive options for companies looking for substantial ROI within a short period of time.

How Do You Join A Sponsored Post Network?

Joining a Sponsored Post Network is an excellent way to increase your online presence and generate more brand awareness.

A Sponsored Post Network offers bloggers and influencers the opportunity to partner with brands to represent their products and services through sponsored blog posts, social media outreach, video creation, and more.

When considering joining a Sponsored Post Network, it’s important to find one that best suits your needs.

Different Networks will have different requirements in terms of audience size or engagement metrics – so be sure you read up on these before committing.

Once you’ve found the right network for you, sign up as an influencer or blogger by following the relevant instructions outlined on their website (usually involving setting up an account).

Afterward, you will be able to access all of their campaigns that are available for promotion –

Each with its own set of criteria associated with target audience demographics and budget restrictions.

If your application is accepted then congratulations!

You are now part of a larger family of esteemed influencers working together for mutual benefit through collaborations with brands big and small

Each help spread further awareness about products or services they deem valuable enough to share with their audiences.

Through consistent postings over time, while maintaining strict adherence to guidelines set forth by network management teams,

you should start seeing results in no time!

Top Blog Niches That Make Money With Sponsored Post Networks

These networks connect brands with bloggers who write content about their products or services.

But, what are the best blog niches that you should target if you want to make money through these networks?

Let’s take a look at some of the top blog niches that make money with sponsored post networks.

1. Finance and Investing

Writing about financial topics and investing is one of the most profitable blog niches for sponsored post networks.

Financial institutions, investment companies, and other businesses related to finance are always looking for bloggers to write about their products or services.

You don’t have to be an expert in finance or investing—just having basic knowledge about the topic is enough!

It also helps if you have some personal experience with financial planning or investing as this will help build credibility when writing sponsored posts.

2. Travel and Lifestyle

If you’re someone who loves to travel, then this might be the perfect niche for you!

Travel and lifestyle blogs are very popular right now, and there are many brands out there that want to partner with bloggers who can write compelling stories about their experiences.

You could write about your travels around the world, luxury getaways, budget-friendly trips, or even day trips close to home!

Brands often look favorability on bloggers who have a story-telling approach and can provide insight into different cultures and lifestyles.

3. Beauty and Fashion

Beauty and fashion blogs are other popular niches for sponsored post networks.

If you have a passion for makeup, skincare, hair care, fashion trends, etc., then this might be a great fit for you!

Many beauty and fashion brands understand how powerful influencers can be when it comes to promoting their products or services on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube.

so they’re always looking for new influencers who can write great content about them

Top 15 Sponsored Post Networks For Bloggers


Sponsored Post Network ; Izea

Izea Sponsored Post Network is a great option for bloggers looking to earn income from their blogs.

This network offers sponsors a variety of options when choosing sponsored post campaigns, offering writers and bloggers access to engaging opportunities across multiple formats – including blog posts, videos, IGTV videos, and social media (Facebook/Instagram) posts.

For writers with established blogs,

in particular,

Izea’s Sponsored Post Network serves as an excellent platform for monetizing content and exposing it to a broader audience.

It provides quick access to hundreds of brands looking for promotional content on the web

many of which are household names – and offer bloggers an easy way to find relevant partnerships with companies that will pay them for their work.

Moreover, the user experience provided by Izea is incredibly simple;

after creating your profile on the website you can start exploring what campaigns are available near you in just minutes.

Once accepted into a campaign you will be sent very detailed briefs outlining the specific offer requirements (e.g., word count).

Once completed you can easily submit your work online or via email where it will be reviewed by the campaign manager before they release payment.

real timeThe interface also allows users to see all incoming payments in real-time so there’s no need to worry if money hasn’t been paid yet

as long as you’ve completed all your obligations per brief then payment should arrive quickly! In this sense,

Izea greatly increases transparency in regard to its financial operations while still providing ample opportunity for earning revenue through sponsored post campaigns

making it an ideal choice if you’re looking for reliable ways of generating income through blogging!

2. TapInfluence

TapInfluence is a great option for bloggers who want to earn money through sponsored posts.

It’s one of the leading Sponsored Post networks, connecting bloggers and influencers with businesses around the world.

The basic idea behind TapInfluence is that you sign up to receive sponsored post opportunities from businesses and organizations,

which you can then write about on your blog or other social media platforms.

You get paid for each sponsored post you accept and complete.

TapInfluence makes it easy to find opportunities that fit your interests –

All you have to do is fill out some information about yourself, including what topics interest you,

so that they can match sponsors with potential partners like yourself.

Once accepted by a sponsor,

TapInfluence will provide instructions on how to create content related to the brand’s message in an effortless way

Even giving details on the length of your post as well as any specific directions regarding promotion options (like Twitter/Facebook/Instagram).

You’ll also be given clear deadlines for when each piece needs to be posted in order for it to count toward your payment!

Aside from sponsored posts,

TapInfluence also offers campaigns such as influencer marketing once a blogger has been approved by their network of brands.

This allows bloggers more freedom when creating content without sacrificing quality since they are being chosen based on their writing ability rather than maximum exposure alone –

so if someone has impressive writing skills but not massive following numbers yet (which can often be intimidating),

this could be a great opportunity for them!


TapInfluence is a great tool for savvy bloggers looking to monetize their work while maintaining creative control over what they write

Whether through straightforward sponsorship plans or marketing campaigns – while growing their influence among brands within their industry.

4. Seeding Up

If you are interested in joining the Seeding Up Sponsored Post Network as a blogger, there are certain requirements that need to be met.

The first step is to create an account on the Seeding Up platform. This can be done through either their website or their app.

Once your account has been created,

you will have access to all of the different networks and opportunities available within the Seeding Up network.

From there, you’ll need to fill out your profile with relevant information about yourself and your blog.

This will help advertisers target campaigns that fit with your topics of expertise or interests better.

You’ll also have to submit some examples of previous sponsored posts from other networks that you’ve worked on previously so they can get a better idea of what kind of content you produce.

Once these steps are completed,

Seeding Up reviews all applications for approval manually before selecting bloggers for specific campaigns or projects.

If selected, bloggers get paid when their campaign performance reaches predetermined goals set by each advertiser during negotiations between them and Seeding Up prior to starting any campaigns together.

It is important to note that once approved as a member within this network it does not guarantee selection for any campaigns whatsoever –

Advertisement needs must still match up closely with each individual’s blogging interests and past experience before being selected for an upcoming campaign specifically targeting such audiences.

Overall, being accepted into the Seeding Up Sponsored Post Network opens up many opportunities for bloggers looking to monetize their efforts further while staying true to themselves and their mission within this space at large above all else!

5. Social Fabric Community

Social Fabric’s Sponsored Post Network is indeed a great option for bloggers looking to monetize their blogs.

It leverages the power of influencer marketing,

enabling bloggers to monetize their content by connecting with brands and creating sponsored posts that align with their niche and audience.

The platform provides an easy-to-use dashboard where you can find brands seeking sponsored content from relevant industries.

You can also customize your profile page with detailed information about your blog such as monthly pageviews, best-performing posts, demographics, topics covered, etc.

so that interesting brands have all the necessary details they need when choosing influencers.

The built-in collaboration tool makes it easy to communicate with potential sponsors or other influencers to negotiate deals and discuss projects.

Once you are connected with a sponsor and both parties agree on the terms of engagement (such as compensation for completed tasks),

Social Fabric’s sponsorship tools enable you to create engaging and branded content in less time.

Their easy-to-use editor allows you to incorporate assets from sponsors into post drafts without any coding knowledge required—

Allowing even novice users to create beautiful pieces of sponsored content rapidly.

Overall, Social Fabric’s Sponsored Post Network is an excellent resource for bloggers who want to make money from their blogs without compromising quality or artistic integrity

This is because it helps them secure good deals at fair prices while pushing out creative works quickly through sophisticated yet user-friendly toolsets.

6. Influence Network

Influence Network’s Sponsored Post Network is an excellent platform for bloggers looking to earn extra income through their blogs.

It offers a great opportunity for bloggers to monetize their content without compromising the blog’s purpose and user experience.

The network works by connecting influencers with brands, allowing them to collaborate on special sponsored posts that are tailored to the brand’s needs.

Influencers then submit these posts upon completion,

which are then reviewed and approved by Influence Network editors before they appear on blogs or social media channels.

This ensures that the content meets both Influence’s standards as well as those of its clients,

providing bloggers with high-quality posts that can generate revenue while remaining true to their own editorial policies.

On top of this, Influence Network also provides powerful analytic tools and reports to help influencers monitor performance metrics to optimize their campaigns and maximize ROI.

And since all payments are handled directly via PayPal,

bloggers don’t have any complicated invoices or contracts to worry about either!

Overall, it’s safe to say that if you’re looking for a reliable way of monetizing your blog without sacrificing quality or integrity,

Influence Network could be just what you’re looking for!

7. Aspire IQ

Aspire IQ Sponsored Post Network is an excellent platform for bloggers looking to monetize their content.

With this service, bloggers will have access to a large network of sponsored posts from advertisers and influencers that are interested in each individual’s blog content.

This can make it easier for bloggers to find ways to monetize their blogs as well as create relationships with brands and influencers.

The process is simple;

once you sign up with Aspire IQ, you’ll be able to browse through the different types of sponsored post opportunities available in your area or specific niche.

You can then select the best fit for your blog before submitting your application using the provided forms on Aspire IQ’s website.

Once approved,

you will be given access to all of the tools necessary for successful postings including guidelines on how to share posts, tracking tools that allow you to monitor progress, targeted market information, and more.

The benefits of using Aspire IQ are numerous;

‘by using this platform, bloggers can increase exposure by being featured on large networks such as Instagram or Snapchat stories and reach new audiences who may not have discovered them otherwise. ‘

Furthermore, they provide added exposure resulting from partnership deals between like-minded companies which allows cross-promotion opportunities along with a greater chance of higher engagement among readers due to their relevance in multiple industries rather than just one topic area at a time.

Ultimately these features make it easier for bloggers to get paid for their work while creating meaningful partnerships and promoting themselves further within the industry itself –

Making Aspire IQ Sponsored Post Network an invaluable asset when seeking out monetization options available within blogging today!

8. Blog Meets Brand

The Blog Meets Brand Sponsored Post Network is an excellent platform for bloggers, providing them with the opportunity to create sponsored content and connect with advertisers in order to earn an income.

This network offers numerous benefits that can be extremely advantageous to any blogger looking to monetize their blog.

First of all, the network provides bloggers access to hundreds of reputable brands from all over the world who are willing to pay for quality content related to their products or services.

As such, bloggers have a large number of potential sponsors who may be interested in working with them. Additionally, it is incredibly easy for bloggers to get started on this platform as they simply sign up using basic information and then start connecting with potential sponsors immediately.

The Sponsored Post Network also serves as a great way for experienced bloggers with existing audiences and profitable blogs to increase their visibility within their niche by collaborating directly with top brands in the industry.

In many cases, this gives these more established bloggers the ability to negotiate higher rates than they would normally receive if they worked independently or through traditional advertising networks like Google Ads or Facebook Ads Manager.

Furthermore, since most sponsored post campaigns require detailed tracking data along with comprehensive reporting capabilities, having access directly through the network simplifies much of that workload while ensuring compliance across all posts at whatsoever times which leads toward getting better CPL (cost per lead) conversions eventually improving ROI (return on investment).

Finally, one major benefit that makes Blog Meets Brand’s Sponsored Post Network to stand out among other networks available today is its focus on high-quality content curated by highly trusted sources—their team actively screens each piece before it goes live on any partner site so you can rest assured knowing your brand’s name will remain safe when partnering up here!

This important step towards preserving one’s reputation should not be overlooked as increasingly careful readers make sure what they read corresponds only to beautiful writing pieces paired up with fairly compensated writers out there!

Overall speaking; BlogMeetsBrand Sponsored Posts Network could prove an invaluable asset if used correctly by established & aspiring blogs alike seeking monetization opportunities!

9. Linqia

The Linqia Sponsored Post Network is a great option for bloggers looking to monetize their content.

With this network, publishers have access to multiple brands and campaigns in the same place.

This makes it easier for them to find opportunities that are aligned with their blog’s focus and increase their potential income.

The application process is simple; by providing information about your blog and past sponsored posts, you can quickly get started on making money through Linqia’s platform.

The team offers support throughout the campaign process, including finding relevant campaigns, creating content ideas, developing assets, scheduling posts, and reporting results — all of which help maximize your earnings potential.

Plus there are other benefits associated with being a member of the network like free promotional items from some campaigns as well as access to exclusive profit-sharing programs called “Linqian Rewards” or “Premium Shares” that let you earn extra money when certain goals are achieved like the number of clicks or sales generated by your post/campaign.

All in all, Linqia’s Sponsored Post Network is an excellent platform for bloggers looking to monetize their content – from its ease of use during setup through ongoing support provided by its experienced team – making it highly recommended for those serious about earning money online!

10. Acorn

The Acorn Sponsored Post Network is a great option for bloggers looking to monetize their blogs and maximize their revenue stream.

The network allows you to choose from a wide range of sponsored posts from leading brands, giving you the opportunity to generate income with just one click.

With Acorn’s easy-to-use dashboard, you can quickly select your desired criteria for sponsored posts and receive detailed analytics on how your post has performed.

The benefits of joining the Acorn Sponsored Post Network are numerous.

First, it gives bloggers access to high-potential sponsors who might otherwise be difficult or impossible to reach on their own.

In addition, Content Syndication technology offered by Acorn ensures that your content reaches only qualified audiences that share interests similar to yours — meaning no wasted impressions.

Finally, each ad comes with an engagement rating which helps determine whether or not the sponsoring brand was satisfied with the results in terms of views and clicks so that you know what kind of performance you need in order to get paid.

So yes, overall we believe that joining the Acorn Sponsored Post Network can be extremely beneficial for bloggers as it provides them with increased monetization opportunities and more targeted exposure for their content!

11. Real Clever

Real Clever Sponsored Post Network can be a great source of income for bloggers.

This network is an innovative way to monetize your blog by connecting brands with content creators like bloggers.

Bloggers are able to find sponsored opportunities through the Real Clever platform that match their interests, expertise, and audience.

They get access to a wide range of sponsored post opportunities from many different brands and partners.

Furthermore, the network provides easy-to-use tools that make it simple for both brands and bloggers to create campaigns quickly and track results effectively in real-time.

The network also makes it easier for bloggers to reach out directly to sponsors they may not have had access to before plus they will often get more detailed briefs on what the brand expects so there’s no more guesswork involved in creating sponsored posts.

The payment process is also streamlined – giving you faster payments than ever before!

Sponsored blogs are becoming increasingly popular among publishers looking for new ways of monetizing their content as well as building relationships with advertisers outside Adsense or banners alone – making them even more attractive for firms such as Real Clever Sponsored Post Network who can provide this service in an ethical way which benefits both parties involved.

In conclusion, for a blogger who wants additional revenue streams –Real Clever Sponsored Post Network provides an effective solution!


Flyout’s Sponsored Post Network is an effective way for bloggers to reach a larger audience and monetize their content.

This network provides access to a suite of targeted content partners that are seeking top-quality, engaging blog posts and podcasts.

These partners span many different industries, so there is always the potential to create new connections and reach new readers.

The Flyout Sponsored Post Network helps bloggers get noticed by providing high visibility for the best content.

Through this network, you will receive more views from your target audience as well as increased exposure from other influencers in the space.

You can also use sponsored post campaigns to generate more income from your existing blog post or podcast without additional effort on your part.

One of the biggest advantages of using Flyout’s Sponsored Post Network is that it saves you time by helping you find relevant audiences quickly and efficiently.

The platform uses proprietary algorithms based on keywords related to each individual post, so it knows exactly where your piece would fit into the marketplace – ensuring it gets seen by potential buyers who may be interested in what you have written about or in featuring it on their own platforms or networks.

However, you should still take caution when agreeing to sponsored post campaigns through this network; thoroughly research all partner brands ahead of time and make sure they align with any current brand standards that might exist before signing off on any contracts they propose.

Additionally, review traffic reports regularly throughout the duration of each sponsorship campaign so that you can make sure all conditions are being met accordingly – both ethically and financially – prior to concluding any agreements with sponsors through Flyout’s Sponsored Post Network!

13. Adsy

As a blogger, you are probably aware of the necessity to monetize your blog.

Adsy Sponsored Post Network is an effective way to do so as it provides access to high-paying brands and advertising campaigns while allowing bloggers to remain in control over their content.

It is a unique platform that connects companies with bloggers who offer promotional services for relevant products or services.

Through this platform, companies are able to target specific audiences who are most likely to engage with their message.

This greatly increases the chances of gaining more customers and sales for them.

At the same time, bloggers get paid for creating sponsored posts that keep their blogs interesting and generate much-needed income from blogging activities.

Also, since all posts created by participating bloggers must be approved by Adsy before they can go live on the web, you can be sure that all promoted posts will meet company standards and result in greater credibility among readers and potential customers alike.

The ease of use makes Adsy’s sponsored post network extremely helpful when it comes to monetizing any blog – big or small – as it allows users (bloggers) to create content quickly without needing much technical knowledge at all.

Plus, each user has access to detailed analytics which provide important insights into how many times sponsors have reached out requesting collaborations/posts; views per post; the number of clicks on links included within the text; etcetera allowing users (bloggers) to understand which type of topics perform better than others when targeting certain audiences/demographics according to different countries or even regions within a certain country!

We would definitely recommend using Adsys Sponsored Post Network if you’re looking for a great way to monetize your blog without compromising quality in terms of both content generated as well as customer service standards!’

14. Bloggin’ Mamas

Bloggin’ Mamas Sponsored Post Network is certainly a viable option for both experienced and new bloggers who are looking for ways to monetize their blogs.

They offer a unique opportunity to get paid for creating sponsored posts, increasing the visibility and reach of your content.

The network provides an array of benefits that make it quite attractive—including competitive compensation, unlike many similar programs out there in the blogging world.

Unlike paying-per-click or impression-based models, they pay members per post they create.

This minimizes any guesswork involved since you know exactly what you will be earning based on this model.

The payment structure also allows room for growth as your blog and influence continue to rise!

With access to exclusive brand partnerships, you can gain extra leverage when working with companies such as Google AdSense or other large networks where competition can be stiffer than ever before.

On top of the monetary rewards members receive from Bloggin’ mama’s posts, they gain exposure through a range of online outlets including popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram which can help drive traffic and build their followership in turn widen their outreach capabilities even more effectively!

Furthermore, Bloggin’ Mamas provides industry expertise through its team which helps foster relationships with select brands that might otherwise be difficult to obtain independently.

Additionally–members have access to helpful tips & tricks forums that offer advice on how best to succeed in the blogging world while taking all these offerings into consideration when making decisions about sponsorships available within the network itself!

15. Blog Dash

Blog Dash is a great tool for bloggers who are looking to monetize their blogs and potentially increase visibility. It provides an advertising platform that allows companies to advertise through sponsored posts on participating blogs.

This platform is beneficial for both companies and bloggers, as it offers a cost-effective way to reach a large audience.

BDSN offers companies an efficient way to promote products or services while gaining access to high-quality content from professional bloggers.

Companies can choose what kind of blog post they want and the type of product or service they would like advertised in each post, allowing them more control over their campaigns.

They also have access to detailed analytics about how the campaign has performed, which helps them determine whether an investment was worth it or not.

Bloggers using Blog Dash benefit from being able to make money off of their work by joining forces with companies looking for exposure within their space.

Bloggers are able to choose what brands/companies/products they want to be featured on their blog so that it aligns with the style and values of both parties involved.

It takes away some guesswork from reaching potential customers since you know the company’s target demographic already matches yours when you partner up together through Blog Dash’s platform…

Additionally, there’s no financial risk involved because payment comes after the job has been done so if it doesn’t work out well then at least no one loses money!

Overall, Blog Dash provides benefits for both businesses and bloggers alike; giving companies access to quality content posted professionally throughout various platforms all while allowing careful control over its own campaigns –

plus offering analytical tools with detailed stats -and giving bloggers another reliable source of income without risking too much financially speaking!

Best Post Types for Sponsored Posts

As a blogger, sponsored posts can be an invaluable source of income.

However, it’s important to make sure that you are leveraging sponsored posts in the most effective way possible. Here, we will break down the best post types for sponsored posts so that you can maximize your reach and income.

1. Sponsored Videos

Videos have become increasingly popular on social media platforms and are a great way to capture an audience’s attention.

Sponsored videos tend to be more engaging than text-based posts as they provide a more interactive experience and allow you to show off your products/services in action.

Furthermore, videos have better reach than text-based posts due to their shareable nature.

If your sponsor has a product or service they would like to showcase, creating a sponsored video could be a great option.

2. Interactive Content

Interactive content such as polls, quizzes, surveys, and contests help keep your audience engaged and can also be used for sponsored posts.

These types of content typically generate high engagement rates because they require users to interact with them in order to get the desired outcome (i.e., winning a prize).

Additionally, interactive content is highly shareable so you can quickly increase the reach of your sponsored post by encouraging followers to share it with their friends and family.

3. Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of data which makes them easy for people to understand and digest quickly.

They can be used for sponsored posts by incorporating information about the sponsor’s product or service into an infographic format that is visually appealing and easy to digest.

Infographics are also easily shareable which makes them great for increasing the visibility of a sponsored post quickly.

Sponsored Post Guidelines Every Blogger Should Follow

There are a variety of sponsored post guidelines that bloggers should consider following to ensure their content is both effective and compliant.

To begin, it’s important for bloggers to understand the various networks available for sponsored posts.

It’s common to see a mix of influencer networks, brand-specific platforms, and ad marketplaces which are all great resources for connecting with sponsors who pay you for your content.

If you are a blogger, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) guidelines on sponsored posts.

Sponsored posts, also known as advertorials or influencer marketing, involve an advertiser paying an individual or business to promote and endorse their products or services.

1. Disclosure

The first part of any successful sponsored post campaign is disclosure – making sure that readers understand when something has been paid for or gifted by a sponsor.

Clear disclosure is critical – if not adequately disclosed, it could result in significant risks such as loss of reputation or potential legal action against blogs and social media accounts!

Bloggers should identify themselves and fully disclose all involvement with the product or service being discussed, whether they have been compensated in cash or kind (or both!).

Ensure this information is included on every page where you discuss the product/service.

The FTC has certain guidelines that bloggers must follow when creating sponsored content because the content needs to be disclosed in a way that consumers can easily identify it as being sponsored.

The FTC requires bloggers to provide clear and conspicuous disclosure whenever they are promoting something they were paid for by using words such as “sponsored”, “promoted”, “paid advertisement” and so on.

To further clarify this requirement for transparency, all advertisers require bloggers/influencers who are part of their network to have a clear sponsorship disclosure statement included in each post—this statement should explain the nature of the relationship between you (the blogger/influencer) and your sponsor(s).

This is a crucial step when engaging in any kind of sponsored post activity which helps your readers make well-informed decisions about their purchases from you.

2. Be Sure To Deliver What Was Promised

Another area where FTC rules come into play when creating sponsored posts is accurately representing what was promised in exchange for payment whether implicit or explicit benefits were involved like cash payments, free samples, etc…

A blog post should reflect accurate information regarding endorsements even if not explicitly stated in its verbiage; dishonest practices will result in various penalties both financial and criminal depending on the severity of the violation while honesty across blog postings remains paramount.

2. Quality Content

Another key point to consider when creating sponsored posts is writing quality content while giving sponsors an authentic representation of their services and products.

After engaging with them over what they expect from your work, research thoroughly about their brand before starting work on the blog post so you fully understand what they’re looking for in terms of representation.

Additionally, maintaining accuracy across facts and figures presented within the post is absolutely essential – this will help shape trust between blogger & reader as well as add credibility to the consumer experience provided by the sponsor’s services/products themselves!

4. Do Not Make Every Blog Post A Sponsored Post!

Finally, there’s also how often one can participate in Sponsored Post Networks!

The FTC recommends that only two out of every ten blog posts should represent promotional materials coming from sponsorships given reasonable expectations around quality content production timely frequency –

this ensures promoted Content doesn’t dominate blogs leaving room enough for more organic forms of expressing creativity giving readers adequate context making advertised offers meaningful versus intrusive ad-placement overload appearing insincere and disingenuous hence deterring viewership/support altogether!

3. Set Goals

Last but not least – measure success by setting goals & tracking performance throughout each campaign! Whether your goal was increasing engagement rates or web traffic amongst followers;

measuring these metrics provides valuable insights into how well your campaigns have performed & helps inform decisions going forward into future projects!


Sponsored posts are an effective way for bloggers to monetize their platforms while still providing valuable content to their followers.

By utilizing these types of post formats, you can leverage sponsored posts in the most effective way possible to maximize your reach and income potential from sponsorships. Keep these tips in mind when crafting your next sponsored post!

If you’re a blogger looking to make money with sponsored posts, this list of networks is a great place to start.

With so many options available, there’s sure to be a perfect fit for your blog no matter what niche you’re in.

Sponsored post networks offer an amazing opportunity for bloggers to make money from their content.

Whether you’re passionate about finance and investing, travel and lifestyle adventures, or beauty and fashion trends – there is definitely a niche out there that suits your interests!

With some research into different sponsored post networks out there and crafting strong content pieces – you too could start earning money from blogging today!

And if you’re not sure what the best type of sponsored post is for your blog, take a look at the examples included for each network.

You can’t go wrong by following their lead.

Thanks for reading and be sure to sign up for my newsletter for more blogging tips!

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